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Social Studies homework..we have to find at least 20, and i've only found 12...and i've been doing it for about 45 minutes...its SO hard!
so can someone please help? thanx! <3
just a few here
[edit] 1800s
1801: Jacquard loom: Joseph Marie Jacquard
1802: Screw propeller steamboat Phoenix: John Stevens
1802: Gas stove: Zachäus Andreas Winzler
1804: Locomotive: Richard Trevithick
1805: Submarine Nautilus: Robert Fulton
1807: Steamboat Clermont: Robert Fulton
1808: Band saw: William Newberry
1809: Arc lamp: Humphry Davy
[edit] 1810s
1814: Steam locomotive (Blücher):
1816: Miner's safety lamp: Humphry Davy
1816: Stirling engine: Robert Stirling
1816: Stethoscope: Rene Theophile Hyacinthe Laennec
1817: Draisine or velocipede (two-wheeled): Karl Drais
1817: Kaleidoscope: David Brewster
1818: Bicycle: Karl Drais[8]
[edit] 1820s
1821: Electric motor: Michael Faraday
1823: Electromagnet: William Sturgeon
1823: Lighter: Johann Wolfgang Döbereiner
1824: Portland cement: William Aspdin
1826: Photography: Joseph Nicéphore Niépce
1826: Internal combustion engine: Samuel Morey
1827: Friction match: John Walker
1829: Steam locomotive: George Stephenson[8]
[edit] 1830s
1830: Thermostat: Andrew Ure[8]
1830: Stenotype on punched paper strip: Karl Drais
1831: Multiple coil magnet: Joseph Henry
1831: Magnetic acoustic telegraph: Joseph Henry (patented 1837)
1831: Reaper: Cyrus McCormick
1831: Electrical generator: Michael Faraday, Ãnyos Jedlik
1834: The Hansom cab is patented
1834: Louis Braille perfects his Braille system
1834: Refrigerator: Jacob Perkins
1834: Combine harvester: Hiram Moore
1835: Revolver: Samuel Colt
1835: Electromechanical Relay: Joseph Henry
1835: Incandescent light bulb: James Bowman Lindsay
1836: Sewing machine: Josef Madersberger
1837: US electric printing press patented by Thomas Davenport (February 25)
1837: Steel plow: John Deere
1837: Standard diving dress: Augustus Siebe
1837: Camera Zoom Lens: Jozef Maximilián Petzval
1837: Magnetic telegraph: Samuel Morse
1838: Electric telegraph: Charles Wheatstone (also Samuel Morse)
1838: closed diving suit with a helmet: Augustus Siebe
1839: Vulcanization of rubber: Charles Goodyear
[edit] 1840s
1840: Artificial fertilizer: Justus von Liebig
1841 saxophone:Adolphe Sax
1842: Superphosphate fertilizer: John Bennett Lawes
1842: Steam hammer: James Nasmyth
1842: Anaesthesia: Crawford Long
1843: Typewriter: Charles Thurber
1843: Fax machine: Alexander Bain[citation needed]
1843: Ice cream maker: Nancy Johnson
1843: Pile driver: James Nasmyth
1844: The safety match: Gustaf Erik Pasch
just a few here
[edit] 1800s
1801: Jacquard loom: Joseph Marie Jacquard
1802: Screw propeller steamboat Phoenix: John Stevens
1802: Gas stove: Zachäus Andreas Winzler
1804: Locomotive: Richard Trevithick
1805: Submarine Nautilus: Robert Fulton
1807: Steamboat Clermont: Robert Fulton
1808: Band saw: William Newberry
1809: Arc lamp: Humphry Davy
[edit] 1810s
1814: Steam locomotive (Blücher):
1816: Miner's safety lamp: Humphry Davy
1816: Stirling engine: Robert Stirling
1816: Stethoscope: Rene Theophile Hyacinthe Laennec
1817: Draisine or velocipede (two-wheeled): Karl Drais
1817: Kaleidoscope: David Brewster
1818: Bicycle: Karl Drais[8]
[edit] 1820s
1821: Electric motor: Michael Faraday
1823: Electromagnet: William Sturgeon
1823: Lighter: Johann Wolfgang Döbereiner
1824: Portland cement: William Aspdin
1826: Photography: Joseph Nicéphore Niépce
1826: Internal combustion engine: Samuel Morey
1827: Friction match: John Walker
1829: Steam locomotive: George Stephenson[8]
[edit] 1830s
1830: Thermostat: Andrew Ure[8]
1830: Stenotype on punched paper strip: Karl Drais
1831: Multiple coil magnet: Joseph Henry
1831: Magnetic acoustic telegraph: Joseph Henry (patented 1837)
1831: Reaper: Cyrus McCormick
1831: Electrical generator: Michael Faraday, Ãnyos Jedlik
1834: The Hansom cab is patented
1834: Louis Braille perfects his Braille system
1834: Refrigerator: Jacob Perkins
1834: Combine harvester: Hiram Moore
1835: Revolver: Samuel Colt
1835: Electromechanical Relay: Joseph Henry
1835: Incandescent light bulb: James Bowman Lindsay
1836: Sewing machine: Josef Madersberger
1837: US electric printing press patented by Thomas Davenport (February 25)
1837: Steel plow: John Deere
1837: Standard diving dress: Augustus Siebe
1837: Camera Zoom Lens: Jozef Maximilián Petzval
1837: Magnetic telegraph: Samuel Morse
1838: Electric telegraph: Charles Wheatstone (also Samuel Morse)
1838: closed diving suit with a helmet: Augustus Siebe
1839: Vulcanization of rubber: Charles Goodyear
[edit] 1840s
1840: Artificial fertilizer: Justus von Liebig
1841 saxophone:Adolphe Sax
1842: Superphosphate fertilizer: John Bennett Lawes
1842: Steam hammer: James Nasmyth
1842: Anaesthesia: Crawford Long
1843: Typewriter: Charles Thurber
1843: Fax machine: Alexander Bain[citation needed]
1843: Ice cream maker: Nancy Johnson
1843: Pile driver: James Nasmyth
1844: The safety match: Gustaf Erik Pasch
What inventions were made between 1790 and 1869?
I have to create an advertisment for it so yea thanks
Here are just some of the inventions during that time.
1791: Artificial teeth: Nicholas Dubois De Chemant
1798: Smallpox Vaccination: Edward Jenner
1798: Lithography: Alois Senefelder
19th century
1801: Jacquard loom: Joseph Marie Jacquard
1802: Screw propeller steamboat Phoenix: John Stevens
1802: Gas stove: Zachäus Andreas Winzler
1804: Locomotive: Richard Trevithick
1805: Submarine Nautilus: Robert Fulton
1807: Steamboat Clermont: Robert Fulton
1808: Band saw: William Newberry
1809: Arc lamp: Humphry Davy
1814: Steam locomotive (Blücher)
1816: Miner's safety lamp: Humphry Davy
1816: Stirling engine: Robert Stirling
1816: Stethoscope: Rene Theophile Hyacinthe Laennec
1817: Draisine or velocipede (two-wheeled): Karl Drais
1817: Kaleidoscope: David Brewster
1818: Bicycle: Karl Drais
1821: Electric motor: Michael Faraday
1823: Electromagnet: William Sturgeon
1823: Lighter: Johann Wolfgang Döbereiner
1824: Portland cement: William Aspdin
1826: Photography: Joseph Nicéphore Niépce
1826: Internal combustion engine: Samuel Morey
1827: Friction match: John Walker
1829: Steam locomotive: George Stephenson
1830: Thermostat: Andrew Ure
1830: Stenotype on punched paper strip: Karl Drais
1831: Multiple coil magnet: Joseph Henry
1831: Magnetic acoustic telegraph: Joseph Henry (patented 1837)
1831: Reaper: Cyrus McCormick
1831: Electrical generator: Michael Faraday, Ãnyos Jedlik
1834: The Hansom cab is patented
1834: Louis Braille perfects his Braille system
1834: Refrigerator: Jacob Perkins
1834: Combine harvester: Hiram Moore
1835: Revolver: Samuel Colt
1835: Electromechanical Relay: Joseph Henry
1835: Incandescent light bulb: James Bowman Lindsay
1836: Sewing machine: Josef Madersberger
1837: US electric printing press patented by Thomas Davenport
1837: Steel plow: John Deere
1837: Standard diving dress: Augustus Siebe
1837: Camera Zoom Lens: Jozef Maximilián Petzval
1837: Magnetic telegraph: Samuel Morse
1838: Electric telegraph: Charles Wheatstone (also Samuel Morse)
1838: closed diving suit with a helmet: Augustus Siebe
1839: Vulcanization of rubber: Charles Goodyear
1840: Artificial fertilizer: Justus von Liebig
1841: Saxophone:Adolphe Sax
1842: Superphosphate fertilizer: John Bennett Lawes
1842: Steam hammer: James Nasmyth
1842: Anaesthesia: Crawford Long
1843: Typewriter: Charles Thurber
1843: Fax machine: Alexander Bain[citation needed]
1843: Ice cream maker: Nancy Johnson
1843: Pile driver: James Nasmyth
1844: The safety match: Gustaf Erik Pasch
1845: Pneumatic tyre: Robert Thomson
1846: Sewing machine: Elias Howe
1846: Rotary printing press: Richard M. Hoe
1849: Safety pin: Walter Hunt
1849: Francis turbine: James B. Francis
1852: Airship: Henri Giffard
1852: Passenger elevator: Elisha Otis
1852: Gyroscope: Léon Foucault
1855: Bunsen burner: Peter Desaga
1855: Bessemer process: Henry Bessemer
1856: Celluloid: Alexander Parkes
1858: Undersea telegraph cable: Charles Wheatstone
1858: Mason jar: John L. Mason
1859: Oil drill: Edwin L. Drake
1859: Lead acid battery: Gaston Plante
1860: Light Bulb, Sir Joseph Swan
1860: Linoleum: Fredrick Walton
1860: Repeating rifle: Oliver F. Winchester, Christopher Spencer
1860: Self-propelled torpedo: Giovanni Luppis
1861: Ironclad (Battleship) USS Monitor: John Ericsson
1861: Siemens regenerative furnace: Carl Wilhelm Siemens
1862: Revolving machine gun: Richard J. Gatling
1862: Mechanical submarine: NarcÃs Monturiol i Estarriol
1862: Pasteurization: Louis Pasteur, Claude Bernard
1863: Player piano: Henri Fourneaux
1865: Roller Coaster: LaMarcus Adna Thompson
1865: Barbed wire: Louis Jannin
1866: Dynamite: Alfred Nobel
1868: Practical typewriter: Christopher Sholes, Carlos Glidden and Samuel W. Soule, with assistance from James Densmore
1868: Air brake (rail): George Westinghouse
1868: Oleomargarine: Mege Mouries
1869: Vacuum cleaner: I.W. McGaffers
Here are just some of the inventions during that time.
1791: Artificial teeth: Nicholas Dubois De Chemant
1798: Smallpox Vaccination: Edward Jenner
1798: Lithography: Alois Senefelder
19th century
1801: Jacquard loom: Joseph Marie Jacquard
1802: Screw propeller steamboat Phoenix: John Stevens
1802: Gas stove: Zachäus Andreas Winzler
1804: Locomotive: Richard Trevithick
1805: Submarine Nautilus: Robert Fulton
1807: Steamboat Clermont: Robert Fulton
1808: Band saw: William Newberry
1809: Arc lamp: Humphry Davy
1814: Steam locomotive (Blücher)
1816: Miner's safety lamp: Humphry Davy
1816: Stirling engine: Robert Stirling
1816: Stethoscope: Rene Theophile Hyacinthe Laennec
1817: Draisine or velocipede (two-wheeled): Karl Drais
1817: Kaleidoscope: David Brewster
1818: Bicycle: Karl Drais
1821: Electric motor: Michael Faraday
1823: Electromagnet: William Sturgeon
1823: Lighter: Johann Wolfgang Döbereiner
1824: Portland cement: William Aspdin
1826: Photography: Joseph Nicéphore Niépce
1826: Internal combustion engine: Samuel Morey
1827: Friction match: John Walker
1829: Steam locomotive: George Stephenson
1830: Thermostat: Andrew Ure
1830: Stenotype on punched paper strip: Karl Drais
1831: Multiple coil magnet: Joseph Henry
1831: Magnetic acoustic telegraph: Joseph Henry (patented 1837)
1831: Reaper: Cyrus McCormick
1831: Electrical generator: Michael Faraday, Ãnyos Jedlik
1834: The Hansom cab is patented
1834: Louis Braille perfects his Braille system
1834: Refrigerator: Jacob Perkins
1834: Combine harvester: Hiram Moore
1835: Revolver: Samuel Colt
1835: Electromechanical Relay: Joseph Henry
1835: Incandescent light bulb: James Bowman Lindsay
1836: Sewing machine: Josef Madersberger
1837: US electric printing press patented by Thomas Davenport
1837: Steel plow: John Deere
1837: Standard diving dress: Augustus Siebe
1837: Camera Zoom Lens: Jozef Maximilián Petzval
1837: Magnetic telegraph: Samuel Morse
1838: Electric telegraph: Charles Wheatstone (also Samuel Morse)
1838: closed diving suit with a helmet: Augustus Siebe
1839: Vulcanization of rubber: Charles Goodyear
1840: Artificial fertilizer: Justus von Liebig
1841: Saxophone:Adolphe Sax
1842: Superphosphate fertilizer: John Bennett Lawes
1842: Steam hammer: James Nasmyth
1842: Anaesthesia: Crawford Long
1843: Typewriter: Charles Thurber
1843: Fax machine: Alexander Bain[citation needed]
1843: Ice cream maker: Nancy Johnson
1843: Pile driver: James Nasmyth
1844: The safety match: Gustaf Erik Pasch
1845: Pneumatic tyre: Robert Thomson
1846: Sewing machine: Elias Howe
1846: Rotary printing press: Richard M. Hoe
1849: Safety pin: Walter Hunt
1849: Francis turbine: James B. Francis
1852: Airship: Henri Giffard
1852: Passenger elevator: Elisha Otis
1852: Gyroscope: Léon Foucault
1855: Bunsen burner: Peter Desaga
1855: Bessemer process: Henry Bessemer
1856: Celluloid: Alexander Parkes
1858: Undersea telegraph cable: Charles Wheatstone
1858: Mason jar: John L. Mason
1859: Oil drill: Edwin L. Drake
1859: Lead acid battery: Gaston Plante
1860: Light Bulb, Sir Joseph Swan
1860: Linoleum: Fredrick Walton
1860: Repeating rifle: Oliver F. Winchester, Christopher Spencer
1860: Self-propelled torpedo: Giovanni Luppis
1861: Ironclad (Battleship) USS Monitor: John Ericsson
1861: Siemens regenerative furnace: Carl Wilhelm Siemens
1862: Revolving machine gun: Richard J. Gatling
1862: Mechanical submarine: NarcÃs Monturiol i Estarriol
1862: Pasteurization: Louis Pasteur, Claude Bernard
1863: Player piano: Henri Fourneaux
1865: Roller Coaster: LaMarcus Adna Thompson
1865: Barbed wire: Louis Jannin
1866: Dynamite: Alfred Nobel
1868: Practical typewriter: Christopher Sholes, Carlos Glidden and Samuel W. Soule, with assistance from James Densmore
1868: Air brake (rail): George Westinghouse
1868: Oleomargarine: Mege Mouries
1869: Vacuum cleaner: I.W. McGaffers
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