Sabtu, 06 Juli 2013

I'm trying to find an affordable gift for a motorcycle enthusiast...?

bike helmet japan on Honda | Honda Motorcycle Japan | Original Helmet
bike helmet japan image


My friend likes off-road biking and is a hard-core motorcycle enthusiast.
I'm going to Japan next month and would like to get him a gift any motorcyclist would die for. Any suggestions?
Maybe helmet brands or anything else which is interesting?

Can't help you on info in Japan. Affordable is not a great term in biking. Whats affordable to some is way out of price to others. Give us a price range to work with. A great store online is You can even buy gift certificates and send them so he can buy what he likes/needs. Gear is very personal. Most people are very loyal to one brand. Everthing is cut a little different so some gear fits while other gear feels like a straightjacket. That goes for boots, clothing and especially helmets. Have to agree with the guy who said a nice print or picture, but for gear, unless told what brand and size, go gift certificate.

Cheap Motorcycle equipment in Japan's Kanto area?

Stardog Ch

I'm looking to buy a helmet, boots, and gloves to go with my new bike. I actually take rather large sizes too: about an XL helmet and size 10-11 (28-30 cm) boots. I live in south Ibaraki prefecture, and I can easily get around both in my car and on the train. Can anyone suggest a shop that sells good motorcycle equipment without it costing half the price of my bike?

the area to the east (and slightly north) of Ueno Station in Tokyo specializes in such material, but you could match the prices with a motorcycle goods store in your city. ask at your local koban for directions.

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Where can you buy bicycle helmets in bulk or wholesale?

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We have a club that needs to buy about 50 bicycle helmets in a variety of sizes. We don't know where to find 50 helmets for a good price. Suggestions would be great, thank you for your time!


Will a bicycle helmet work the same as a riding helmet?


Bicycle helmets are cheaper so I was wondering if getting one of those instead of a riding helmet would still be as safe?
Asking this for a friend!
I personally don't wear riding helmets, but the little kids I give lessons to are required.

i would use a riding don't want to be cheap with your life. here is a helmet that i got and it was great. but again its a bike helmet. better safe than sorry.

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Jumat, 05 Juli 2013

Do You Wear A Helmet While Riding a Bike?

best bike helmets 2010 on motorcycle superstore: October 2010
best bike helmets 2010 image


I do. My friend thinks I am dumb and silly for wearing a helmet. I'd rather look silly than crack my skull. My friend doesn't even wear a helmet while four wheeling.

Just like the old American Express credit card commercial..."Don't leave home without it."

Your so-called friend is the dumb one - not you. See pie chart on this link...
A full FORTY-FIVE percent of all cycling accidents are "solo falls". No other person, vehicle or animal involved.

What is a good motorcycle for a new rider?


I am looking to buy a motorcycle soon, I am currently looking at the Kawasaki Ninja 250R, 2010(ish)

I know there are bikes that are cheaper, all the way down to some glorified scooter I found for $1400 but is it worth going cheap cheap or is quality the best choice here, I have read that the 250 is good starter bike.

Would also love any help in locating some lower cost riding gear such as helmet jacket etc :)

I'm 17 years old and I got a 2012 ninja 250 about April last year and I love it its an amazing bike for getting around town! But where u run into a problem is on the freeway if u want to take trips. You get blown around quite a bit and it doesn't have great passing power. Right now I'm looking for a 600 cause I need more power for trips with my dad but for a beginner bike and around town this bike is amazing! It looks great and it gets great mpg. This bike is the best beginner bike out there!

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Is there such a thing as a good looking bicycle helmet?

bicycle helmets how to wear on Bike helmets 71 71 Responses
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I'm looking for a bicycle helmet that looks pretty sharp.

I wear aviator sunglasses, if that's a factor.

If you're doing off road stuff then try a full face helmet, they generally look better than non-full face. Try searching for Giro , MET or 661 as they have some goo looking helmets.

How much is a ticket for not wearing a bicycle helmet in California?


I was riding my bike to school without a helmet and I was given a ticket. The officer told me that I would be fined $50 and I would receive a ticket in the mail in 3 weeks. I finally received it and the fine said $197. I went online to the official website of California, SKIP DOWN TO PART E. So what is the deal with this huge fine, when it clearly states a ticket cannot be or $25?

(a) A person under 18 years of age shall not operate a bicycle, a nonmotorized scooter, or a skateboard, nor shall they wear in-line or roller skates, nor ride upon a bicycle, a nonmotorized scooter, or a skateboard as a passenger, upon a street, bikeway, as defined in Section 890.4 of the Streets and Highways Code, or any other public bicycle path or trail unless that person is wearing a properly fitted and fastened bicycle helmet that meets the standards of either the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) or the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), or standards subsequently established by those entities. This requirement also applies to a person who rides upon a bicycle while in a restraining seat that is attached to the bicycle or in a trailer towed by the bicycle.

(b) Any helmet sold or offered for sale for use by operators and passengers of bicycles, nonmotorized scooters, skateboards, or in-line or roller skates shall be conspicuously labeled in accordance with the standard described in subdivision (a) which shall constitute the manufacturer's certification that the helmet conforms to the applicable safety standards.

(c) No person shall sell, or offer for sale, for use by an operator or passenger of a bicycle, nonmotorized scooter, skateboard, or in-line or roller skates any safety helmet which is not of a type meeting requirements established by this section.

(d) Any charge under this subdivision shall be dismissed when the person charged alleges in court, under oath, that the charge against the person is the first charge against that person under this subdivision, unless it is otherwise established in court that the charge is not the first charge against the person.

(e) Except as provided in subdivision (d), a violation of this section is an infraction punishable by a fine of not more than twenty-five dollars ($25).

Your fine is $25. However, California places all sorts of assessments upon fines, which raises the cost of a $25 fine to close to $200. (If the officer had been right that the fine was $50, that would have cost almost $300.) However, if you can honestly declare in court under penalty of perjury that you have never been cited for this offense before, the charge must be dismissed.

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Is it necessary to wear a bike helmet when commuting to work?

bicycle helmets laws on Do Bicycle Helmet Laws Do More Harm Than Good? : TreeHugger
bicycle helmets laws image

Tks O

In addition, I only ever ride my bicycle on the pavement/side walk shared by pedestrians; the only time I go on the road is when cross the lights for pedestrians.

Is it really necessary for commuters to wear a bike helmet. I just find it unnecessary to wear helmets on the street because the chances of collision and injury are a lot less than on the road, and I question the compulsory bike helmet laws.

If wearing helmets is mandatory, why don't we make the inclusion of airbags mandatory for all cars as well then?

Even when I ride on the sidewalk, which is illegal where I live, I have close calls when people are backing out of driveways and such. Not to mention the people that are getting out of their house I almost hit.
"The Crosswalk Slam

You're riding on the sidewalk and cross the street at a crosswalk, and a car makes a right turn, right into you. Cars aren't expecting bikes in the crosswalk, so you have to be very careful to avoid this one. This collision is so common we've lost track of the number of people who've told us they were hit this way, such as Ray John Ray. One study showed that sidewalk-riding was twice as dangerous as road riding, and another study said it's even more dangerous than that.

How to avoid this collision:

1. Get a headlight. If you're riding at night, you should absolutely use a front headlight. It's required by law, anyway.

2. Slow down. Slow down enough that you're able to completely stop if necessary.

3. Don't ride on the sidewalk in the first place. Crossing between sidewalks can be a fairly dangerous maneuver. If you do it on the left-hand side of the street, you risk getting slammed as per the diagram. If you do it on the right-hand side of the street, you risk getting slammed by a car behind you that's turning right. You also risk getting hit by cars pulling out of parking lots or driveways. These kinds of accidents are hard to avoid, which is a compelling reason to not ride on the sidewalk in the first place.

And another reason not to ride on the sidewalk is that you're threatening to pedestrians. Your bike is as threatening to a pedestrian as a car is threatening to you. Finally, riding on the sidewalk is illegal in some places. (In Austin, those places are the Drag, and downtown on 6th St. and on Congress). If you do plan on riding on sidewalks, do it slowly and EXTRA carefully, ESPECIALLY when crossing the street between two sidewalks."

"1. Don't ride on the sidewalk. When you come off the sidewalk to cross the street you're invisible to motorists. You're just begging to be hit if you do this. Keith Vick was killed this way in Austin, TX in Dec. 2002."
"Contrary to popular belief, you increase your chances of getting hit by car when riding your bike on the sidewalk. I know you may find it hard to believe but its true.

While riding in the street is more intimidating, it places you in a position that makes you more visible to the motorist. Usually people will ride on the sidewalk because they want to stay away from cars or they ride against traffic in the street because they are afraid of being hit from behind: they "want to see the cars coming at me". Crashes on sidewalks comprise close to fifty percent of all crash types. They are more common because every driveway forms an intersection and, if you went to driving school you may remember, that most crashes happen at intersections. In traffic engineering jargon where two vehicles cross paths is referred to as a conflict point and traffic engineers work very hard at reducing or eliminating conflict points.

Essentially every driveway that crosses the sidewalk forms a conflict point. Couple this with motorists not stopping at the sidewalk before entering the street and looking at traffic in the street not for bicyclists on the sidewalk and you have recipe for a crash. By cycling in the street you completely avoid these conflict points. The motorist stops before entering the street and is looking where you will be before they cross your path. While these crashes are usually not fatal, they can easily result in an incapacitating injury especially if you are not wearing a helmet. In my expert witness practice, the majority of sidewalk related crashes I've been involved with the rider was not wearing a helmet and usually result in brain injury"-

Why do liberals support a nanny state government?



Banning Trans fats
Banning Salt
Banning Toys in happy meals
Requiring People to wear seat belts in vehicles
Requiring People to wear bicycle helmets while riding a bike
the list goes on. Why cant liberals just let people die of their own stupidity and just let natural selection take place instead of making nanny state laws?

Liberals are in capeable of making decisions on their own

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Kamis, 04 Juli 2013

i wana go for my motorcycle lisence?

best cycling helmets under 100 on JPS main page Student and Parent Handbook School Directory R.R. Rogers ...
best cycling helmets under 100 image


how do i get information aaboutthat. how does that go about?
loll, i do work for AIG,
& yes i do have my lisence
& this isnt elementary school, nor grammer school. so dont make it a big deal about grammer & corrections.

To find out about your state DMV site, check out

For my state (VA) my DMV "driver services" website is here under "Motorcycle License" it has all the info I need - I need to add the "M" class designation to my current automobile drivers license or get a separate motorcycle license. To obtain either of those I must:

-pass a vision test,
-take and pass the motorcycle knowledge exam
-get a motorcycle learner's permit and hold it for 30 days OR enroll & pass the MSF class (aka VA Rider Training program)
-pass the motorcycle road test

I wanted to enroll in the MSF class however they are booked solid until mid-december so I am stuck with my learner permit for 30 days which has some restriction like no passengers, supervised / escorted by a licensed motorcycle operator over 21 from a separate vehicle, require helmet and eye/face protection. It's a bit of a hassle but better than waiting until the MSF class, and since I have previous off-road cycle experience it is not mandatory I take it - however it is **highly** recommended for new riders since it will give you basic handling techniques including avoidance maneuvering techniques.

I have never heard of a 100% crash statistic, for real crash statistics check out The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety research page and the Insurance Information Institute info page on motorcycle crashes (based on info) unfortunately only 2006 data is currently available - out of 10,584,000 incidents 104,000 were motorcycle related. That is 1% of all motor vehicle incidents (not 100% as was mentioned).


Cool looking cycling helmet?


I need a helmet $100 or less that doesn't look like a giant mushroom on my head. Right now I have a super cheap giro and it looks big and goofy. I know helmets are made for safety, but are there any that look good while protecting my head? Something low profile

Go into a local bike shop (avoid wal-mart and other stores that don't specialize in bikes) and take a look at a few. Helmets have come a long way since those old Bell helmets from the 90's. if this doesn't work out Trek and Specialized make some very nice looking ones for both road and mt.biking, and yes they r under $100

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Ontario Rules And Requirements For Mopeds?

bicycle helmets ontario law on Ontario Coroners Report on Bike Safety Has Lessons That Apply ...
bicycle helmets ontario law image


Im buying a moped, its top speed is about 80. I know with an M1 you cant have passengers, ride at night, go on highways or go on roads exceeding 80. But what other laws are there regarding mopeds? Do you need to wear a special helmet or will a snowmobile one do? Do they require license plates? Insurance? If yes how much do these things cost? What do i need to know as a future moped driver and owner? This is a legitimate moped, and not a bike converter kit. It is a vespa style moped. An older one but still that style.

A "moped" is a MOtorized PEDal bicycle. Some idiots in some Governments have defined low speed motorcycles to be "mopeds". YOU are not thinking of getting a moped. What you are looking at is a motorcycle, a motorcycle with a step through frame that is often referred as a motor-scooter.

Can you say this: MOTORCYCLE.

Your vehicle is legally and actually a motorcycle. For use on the streets it needs a motorcycle registration with a motorcycle license plate, motorcycle insurance, you need to have a motorcycle driver's license and need to wear a motorcycle helmet.

You do not need to care about "Ontario Rules And Requirements For Mopeds" -- you are not wanting a moped. You need to care about Ontario Rules And Requirements For Motorcycles.

Addendum: for Neiigga
Not rude, helping. He cannot get help looking for "moped" when he wants a "motorcycle." If he wants the rules and requirements he has to look at motorcycles, not mopeds, not scooters. He is talking about an old Vespa 150 or one of the Indian companies like Bajaj. They are legally motorcycles, and those is the rules and requirements he needs.

Bicycle helmet law.....?

Logical Pe

I am aware that there is a manditory helmet law for bicycle riders. What is the starting age that a person can legally not wear a helmet for a bicycle in Ontario Canada? I think it's 18 but it may be 16, please help.

You must be 18 to ride legally without a helmet.

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How can I keep a two-year-old and an eleven-year-old occupied at the same time when I babysit?

bike helmets 4 year old on ... is that the only bicycle riders required to wear a bicycle helmet are
bike helmets 4 year old image

Stumped Si

I'm a Red Cross certified summer nanny. I usually babysit children younger than five, but this summer I will be taking care of two kids, ages 2 and 11. The two-year-old naps roughly 3-4 hours a day, but like any two-year-old, they are a handful. I want to keep the eleven-year-old entertained, but I'll need to keep an eye on the younger one. With it being so hot, and no access to a pool, I've got to keep these kids safe and happy and free from any feelings of "cabin fever." Any ideas?

Hey there!
I babysit 2, 4, 8 and 12 year old kids.
These are some games that the 2 year old can play with you and have fun, and the 11 year old can play and have fun too! If the 11 year old starts getting bored, say something like, "It's ok, you don't have to play, but if you want, you can go play a computer game or watch something good on TV." Something like this should work!

~Toy Chest Games: Hide 3 of the 2 year old's favorite toys in one room, then she/he will have to find them. The 11 year old will probably want to hide them, and the you can help the 2 year old look. Move on to different rooms, too!

~Beading: Get a bag of big beads and string and tell them that your gonna make necklaces with them. When theyre done making the necklaces, wrap them up and tell them to give it to their mom and dad when they come home, or they can make 2 (the 11 yr old might like this) and keep one for themselves!

~Popsicle stick Puppetts: Draw a few people, but like simple, fat, cartoons, not very detailed, and so she can color them. You can draw maybe a princess, a prince, a queen, a kind, a dragon, a fair, and maybe a witch, too (for the little one). The 11 year old will pobably want to draw her own. Shen, they'll color them all and you will cut them out, and tape them to popsicle sticks, and then you can make a puppet show! Then theyll probbaly want to make one for you, lol.

~Read the 2 year old some books while the 11 year old watches TV or plays on the computer or reads a book for her age group: That's always easy and fun!

~Daycare Game: If she has a little puppy stuffed animal or baby, you can play daycare, where you make a little bed, some food, toys, and just take care of the dog or baby. If it's a baby you can even make a diaper for it out of toilette paper. You can ask the 11 year old to be the big sister/brother .The 2 year old will like that.

Ride bikes: The 2 and 11 year old probably have bikes. Make sure they wear helmets and any other safety gear the parents want them to wear. Then, while you push the 2 year old on her tricycle, the 11 year odl will probably want to show off to you and she/he will go either really fast or will ask you to watch them. You can comment on the 11 year olds riding while saying things like, "Wow. That was really fast. I could never ride that fast when I was your age." It won't be kiddy or dumb, and the 11 year old will feel proud.

Clay fun: Wheather is play doh or sculpey, almost every kid loves clay. You can help the 2 year old make something, while the 11 year old will probably want to make something on their own. The 11 year old will take time on his/her work and will probably try and impress you, and when he/she shows you their creation. Say, "That's amazing! Where'd you learn to make something like that?"

People Portrait's: Roll out some big freezer paper or just some huge paper big enough to fit one child. Then, tell the kids to lie down, and trace their body with a black marker.
Then, tell them to color it in! You can help the 2 year old darw eyes, nose, a mouth, etc. The 11 year will probably color in the person themselves!

Good Luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What is the height requirement on sport motorcycles? And how much does a decent one cost?


I am 16 years old 5'4..
Do you think I can ride a motorcycle if I really wanted to?

How much do cool sport bikes cost? I really want one!

It will be a bit harder to find a good sport bike for your height. One of my riding buddies is about 5' 6'' and he can barely touch the ground on his suzuki gsxr, which gives him trouble if he is trying to move while sitting on the bike, especially when trying to back the bike out of a spot.

As for your other question, you can find a decent sport bike for 3,000. Don't forget a helmet, and i would recommend a motorcycle safety class too.

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What's a good bicycle helmet for city riding?

best bike helmet city on profound consultation on triton bicycles are for the discovery beach
best bike helmet city image

csss s

I live in Philadelphia, and it is pretty congested. I have a trek bike helmet and I hate it. It feels like a big bowl on top of my head, and I hate the straps. I'm thinking about a skateboard helmet. Is that a good idea? I dont care how hot it is, I just want it to be more comfortable.

The more expensive helmets come in different sizes and will be a much better fit. They will also be smaller then the one size fits all. A skateboard helmet will be way too hot.

How do I get my infant to wear a bike helmet?

Siamese B

I have an infant and no car. By myself I get around just fine on city buses biking and walking. Unfortunately, my infant won't wear the helmet so I can't take her on my bike. Any ideas on how I can get her to wear the helmet so we can take a bike ride together?

just keep trying to get her to wear it, even wearing it around the house, and wear yours inside as well to set the example
make sure hers is adjusted well so it is comfortable

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Receding hairline!!! i am 19 years of age?

best bike helmets in india image


i am 19 y.o guy from India! Ok, so some two years back my hairline started receding and it came to my notice sometime after it had receded a bit ! it became a cause of worry for me and i suffered from low self esteem ! but after that it didn't receded and its constant from past 2 n half years !
my dad is bald in middle of head but he says that was due to overusing helmet while riding on bike all the day in his young age! rest my paternal grandfather,uncles have heads full of hair even one of them being around 70 in age!
and from my maternal side the same story my maternal uncles,aunts,grandparents had and have heads full of hair even at older age!
is there a chance that i will lose my hair in young age? Like baldness or in middle of head? like when i will be around 26 27? its worrying me a lot

Get your haircut short like a french crop style or something and take a picture sideways on, 6 months later get the same hair cut, take another picture the same way and compare photos. It's pretty unlikely you're receding at 19, not everyone has a straight low hairline, I think the shape of yours has probably got you worrying.The main thing to watch out for (what I wish someone had told me as I had no clue) is any sign of thinning anywhere on the area where people eventually bald to. It probably won't suddenly jump back more in the same way as it's done now but if it's progressing you'll eventually be able to find some thinner areas. That's where really short hair helps to see what's going on.You are still growing. Its perfectly normal for your body to be changing. We all worried about our looks constantly when we were teenagers. You are perfectly normal. There is nothing wrong with it. Keep going to the doctor or a dermatologist every 6 months to see if he thinks you are a candidate for male pattern baldness. This way if you do develop it when you get older , then take his advice here. good luck

Pro's and Con's of Motorcycles?

Zach B

Im fixing to move out for college, and Im thinking about getting a motorcycle for commute back and for to class/work. Pro's? Con's? Opinions? Reviews of different bikes?

Motorcycles are a lot of fun, plus they have many advantages--easier on gas, easier to park. They're not the greatest in bad weather, but I went to college on a bike for a couple of years, rain and shine, and it wasn't that big of a problem. (Of course I live in California where it rarely rains and never freezes).

If you only want to commute to school and work you don't need anything particularly big or powerful. Unfortunately, motorcycles in the US and Canada are not seen as transportation devices but as recreation devices, so there aren't a lot of smaller, more utilitarian bikes as there are in, say, India or Japan. There are a few, like the Ninja 250 or the Honda Rebel, but even they are more about style than transportation.

There are also motor scooters that are better for transportation. Low center of gravity, auto transmission, very easy to ride. A scooter might be a better choice as simply a transportation device than a 'real' motorcycle.

Anything Japanese is a good bet. All the Japanese manufacturers make a very good product. Anything less than 10 years old you'll have no trouble getting parts for. 250cc or less will get you around town just great, but if you want to do long distances at high speed I'd say 500-650cc to start with. My first bike was a 200cc scooter, and I got it just to go to school, but I loved it so much I found myself going for long rides in the country on weekends. It was adequate for that but then I wanted something bigger. Just for transportation, though, 150-250cc is great.

You will have to get a motorcycle license, which is easy or hard, depending on where you live. You'll need a helmet, jacket and gloves, at a minimum. I would recommend getting something used, you don't want to learn to ride on a shiny new bike. You should have health insurance, not meaning to frighten or discourage you, but things happen.

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Rabu, 03 Juli 2013

Where can i buy bike helmets for toddlers in Metro Manila, Philippines?

bike helmets 2 year olds on Thread: Out with the old...
bike helmets 2 year olds image


We bought our 2 year old son a little trike for Christmas, and we wanted to get him a helmet to go with it. If anyone knows where to find helmets with cute designs for kids, please let me know. Thanks!

You could make one out of cardboard.

Do kids need helmets to ride small plastic tricycles?

Ivy has Tw

They would be riding them in our house, at the playground, and in our parking lot.

The pediatrician handout says to have them wear helmets on tricycles, but it just seems unnecessary to me. They are 2.5 years old and we are getting them their first trikes, so they will be small ones.

I just can't see how a child can get a head injury on a small low to the ground plastic tricycle?

But any SMALL bump or knock can cause serious head injuries or brain problems.

We told our girls that if they wanted to go on bikes, trikes, roller skates, boards etc they have to wear a helmet.

Not only does it protect them, but it becomes second nature to wearing it. They have no problems wearing their helmet but a friend, who never really has made them wear them, has trouble now that they are that little bit older.

Better safe than sorry.


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Can I use a regular bicycle helmet for crusing on a longboard?

bicycle helmets kids on kids bikes ¬ ride ons tt toys official licensed porsche boxster s ...
bicycle helmets kids image


I don't think I need to spend more money if I use my bicycle helmet which is almost the same thing. I'll cruising around on it

haha! I know a guy who makes his kids wear bicycle helmets when they surf.
the other surfers think he is crazy.

Get a regular surf helmet.

How to get rid of a magpie?

That Guy

I live in New South Wales, Australia. There is this magpie in my street that attacks anybody that walks down the street. My neighbour's kids' bicycle helmets have multiple dents in them from the magpie pecking them. I have heard of at least two times where the magpie has pecked somebody not wearing a helmet, and caused blood.

What can I do about this as it appears to get worse each mating season?

I had the same problem at my old house. All you do is try to hit them with a stick and they will sometimes try not swoop you so much. Once the breeding season is over you should have no trouble at all. At my new house we have no problem at all with the magpies they are really friendly (they eat bread from your hand). I live in Queensland, Australia.

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Should i be intimidated to ride a Harley?

bicycle helmet 85 on Motorcycle Street Bike Modular Filp up Full Face Adult... | Shop ...
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Im 17 and really wanna get a motorcycle in the next few years. I didn't grow up with a dad so i missed out on a lot of the "man" stuff like motorcycles and cars. I have never rode a motorcycle in my life and i know nothing about them and am totally spooked about riding the first time. Is it tough? What do i need to know before trying? should i take a first time rider course? Thanks!

I read somewhere, a few years ago, that more than half of all buyers of new Harleys were either total newbies or else coming back to riding after 20-30 years (raising a family no doubt). And at the time I wondered why total noobs would want such a dauntingly big, heavy bike.

Well then a friend of mine (a woman who rides) wanted to buy one, and she began asking me questions about them. I've been riding a long time but I had never ridden a Harley. So I suggested we rent one for a day and split the cost, and take turns switching between the Harley and her bike. I have to say I was just shocked at how easy the Harley was to ride, how easy to manage and 'well mannered' it was. This was a Heritage Softail, maybe the biggest bike Harley's ever made, a 700 lb beast.

Harleys are 'cruisers'. Cruisers have a lower center of gravity, and a lower seat, so they feel much lighter than they are. Now ALL motorcycles feel pretty light once you get up to about 10 mph. On the road, weight means stability. But big bikes are a little scary when you're holding them up at a stoplight, or parking them on a slight hill. The Harley was even easy to hold up and park.

Ten minutes on this bike taught me all about cruisers. They are not good-handling, high-performance, they are stable and easy to ride. They support a relaxed, laid-back riding style, which is a lot safer than 'pushing the envelope' on a crazy sportbike. They are comfortable and relaxing to ride. The Softail would make a great touring bike, at 85 mph it's like sitting in a flying easy chair and watching the scenery go by. And I say that not exactly being a Harley fan, or a cruiser fan.

BUT I would seriously not recommend you get one to learn to ride on. You're likely to be hard on your first bike. You will almost certainly drop it once or twice (at least), nothing serious, just losing your balance in a parking lot, stuff like that. And you will almost certainly abuse the clutch. Even a halfway decent USED Harley is like $10k.

I would recommend you start on a Japanese cruiser, a used one. Honda Shadow, Kawasaki Vulcan, Yamaha Star, Suzuki C50 or Boulevard. Something between 5 and10 years old, old enough to be depreciated but new enough that you can still get parts. Maybe with a few dings and bruises already so you won't feel so bad when you drop it. 750cc is a good size to start with for a cruiser, it feels light, its easy to park, but it will still cruise on the freeway all day without the wind blowing it around. Maybe $3000. If you buy carefully, you can sell this 'old beater' a year later for about what you paid for it. And -then- if you want a Harley go get one, and it will be the same but bigger and nicer.

You don't need professional training to ride a motorcycle. You learn by yourself, by riding. The MSF course (Motorcycle Safety Foundation, in the US, in other English-speaking countries they have something similar) only teaches you some very important safety habits to keep you safe while you learn on your own. It's probably a good idea. They supply the bike, you just show up, so a lot of people do it who are just considering getting a bike and want to see what it's like and if they can even do it.

If you've never ridden a bicycle, i would start on a bicycle, just to learn about balancing and steering. If you can drive a manual-shift car, learning a motorcycle will be easier because you understand how a clutch and gearshift work. But the controls are different, you clutch with your hand and shift with your foot, so you need to develop new 'muscle memories'.

Also leave room in your budget for a helmet, jacket, and gloves, at a minimum. The gloves and jacket are about abrasion resistance when you skid on the ground.

If you know anyone who rides, pepper him with questions. Bikers love to talk (and write) about motorcycling. It really is just as much fun as it looks. 8^)

10 safety laws for riding a bicycle in town?

End Zone

I will award best answer to the first answer that is sensible and true.

Protect Your Head. Wear a helmet!
Studies have shown that using a bicycle helmet can reduce head injuries by up to 85%. Select a helmet that fits snug and comfortable. Make sure that the helmet is endorsed by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) or Snell Memorial Foundation.

See and Be Seen. Wear proper Clothing.
Wear clothes that let you be seen by others. Clothing should be light in color and close fitting to avoid being entangled in the moving parts of a bicycle.

Go with the flow of Traffic, Stay on the right side.
A bicyclist must obey the same traffic laws as motor vehicles. Stop signs and stop lights, road marks and road signs are for a cyclist as well as a motor vehicle operator. Always use hand signals! Never weave from lane to lane or tailgate or hitch rides on moving vehicles.

Keep your Eyes on the Road. Be aware of traffic around you.
Seven out of ten car vs. bicycle crashes occur at driveways or other intersections. Before you enter a street or intersection, check for traffic and always look left, right and left. Walk your bicycle across busy streets and crosswalks.

Stay Alert, Keep a look-out for the unexpected.
Watch out for potholes, sewer gratings, cracks, railroad crossings, loose gravel, and broken glass. Before going around any object, look ahead and behind yourself for a break in traffic. Plan your move, and then signal your intention. Be especially careful in wet weather and at night.

Beware the Night! Be cautious when bicycling at night.
Always have operational front and rear lights on your bicycle when riding at night. Wear reflective clothing or material on your helmet, ankles, back and wrists. Ride in familiar areas or streets that are well lit.

Go-Off Road! Follow designated bike routes.
Bicycle routes are marked by signs and are usually rated according to their difficulty. They are reserved for bikes only and can be ideal for new riders.

Fix it up. Check your bike!
Your bike should be correctly adjusted to fit you. Your feet should rest on the ground while properly sitting on the seat. Before using your bike, check to make sure that all parts are secure and working. The handlebars should be firmly in place and the wheels should be straight and secure.

Stop it. Check your bike!
Control your speed by using your brakes. If your bike has hand brakes, apply the rear brakes before the front breaks. Remember to ride slowly on wet, slippery pavement, and to apply brakes earlier since it takes more distance to stop.

Keep your wheels on the road! Wheels should be securely fastened.
Check your wheels before every ride, after every fall, or after transporting your bicycle to insure that they are âtrueâ and properly fastened and secured. Make sure that tires are properly inflated.

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which is the best aero helmet?

bicycle helmets lazer on Helmet Green
bicycle helmets lazer image


hello, i would like to buy an aero helmet but idk which one is the best for 70.3 and full ironmans....
the money is not a problem, i just want to know which one is the best and why?
i saw a few ones: Giro-Selector, Lazer-Tardiz, Rudy Project- Wingspan, bell-jevelin, etc. be free to share your experience

Some of the manufacturers have round helmets some are oval. It is very important to find which fits your head best. Giro and Bell will fit the same as they are made by the same company and seem to be more oval (as most people are). Lazer seems to fit a rounder head shape well. Rudy Project fits smaller sizes.

Once you are in an aero position on a TT bike your head is the largest least aerodynamic part of your body so there is a speed benefit to an aero helmet. $300 worth? I'm not convinced enough of that to buy a new helmet at that price. It seems those that can afford a $6000 (and up) TT bike have no problem with buying the helmet.

The Rudy Project has the most venting. The Lazer Tardiz is very aero as is the Bell. The Giro is a tad less then the Bell -- According to Bicycling Magazine. I like the golf ball dimples.

If you aren't riding a TT bike forget the aero helmet because even with clamp on aero bars you won't be in the proper riding position to gain aero benefits. For half the price of one of these you can get a very lightweight, 70% as aero, equal cranium protection helmet.

Don't forget the visor. Sometimes the visor is extra. Get a clear visor and use glasses for the lighting conditions. The visor is part of the aero performance.

Shop used! As long as you try it on first you can't go wrong. Look at the year of manufacture on a sticker inside and don't buy one 5 years old. Inspect a used helmet carefully for any signs of impact damage -- a skuff that won't rub off, a dent in the styro foam inside, gouges or scratches. Don't buy a helmet you suspect has taken an impact. If you find one used it should be 1/3 to 1/2 price.

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A car traveling east at 70 mph crosses the center line striking a?

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What protective gear can I wear while driving a bike?

bike helmets hip on Custom Airbrush Motocycles Sport Bikes
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Aside from a helmet of course lol.

Get equipment made for motorcycle riding, so you've got a helmet and face shield to start.
Gloves to protect fingers/hands in a fall. I buy gloves on the higher end, closer to race gear, that have double leather and gauntlets, double wrist wraps and hard sliders on palms and knuckles.
Jacket with shoulder, elbow and back padding, and wrists that zip or wrap up. I find the textile jackets more comfortable but you can also choose leather.
Leather boots, again for m/c, preferably higher tops to protect ankle and shins.
Pants with knee and hip padding, again textile or leather.

Story of a boyfriend sacrificing his own life for his girlfriend?


I read somewhere but I forget the entire story. Its about a boyfriend sacrificing himself for his girlfriend. Their motorcycle lost control of the brakes but the boyfriend decided not to tell the girlfriend. Instead he asked the girlfriend to wear his helmet, kiss him and hug him. Later when the motorcycle crashed the boyfriend died while the girlfriend survived because she was wearing the helmet. I read it from a myspace page. Have anyone heard of this story and have the link to the whole story? Thanks in advance!!!!

how was he to kiss and hug her during a motorcycle ride and take his helmet off???

anyways that sounds like what happened in STL about 4 months back one of the other secretaries that work in my law firm sister and her boyfriend just got a new bike and someone pulled out in front of them and he grabbed her who was sitting on the back and kind of lifted her making it so when they colided with the car she went over the car (breaking both ankles) and he went right through the windsheild (breaking shoulders, bones in the face, hips, and both hands.

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Selasa, 02 Juli 2013

Life in Japan?

bicycle helmets japan on Cycling Japan -best guide service, rental bike, self guided tour ...
bicycle helmets japan image


I think that I want to move to Japan. I'm visiting there this summer. I don't really know what I'd do there, but it just seems like a really nice place to live.

Do you know anything about Japan? For example, is it more expensive to live there than in England or New York?
What is daily life like?
What's it like being out at night?
Stuff to do? Things to see?
How do people act?
Is clothing expensive?
Is it more peaceful there than in America?
And one last thing, I'm Korean, and would the Japanese be able to tell the difference between me and a native Japanese person? Is there racial tension between Japanese and Koreans?

Really, anything that you could tell me about living in Japan, or just about Japan in general (no history please, unless it's needed) would be great!

And yes, I've already asked this question, but I got crappy answers. Also if you're wondering, I live in America, and I'm a native English speaker.

Please help!


I recently went to Japan [Nov/Dec 2007], so from my experience, I can tell you this:

1/ I was warned about how expensive it is and let me tell you now - it was all a lie! The prices are similar to Australia. Definitely cheaper than England. Not sure about NY as I've never been there.

The train passes in Tokyo are expensive (approx $500 for 2 weeks unlimited travel), but aside from that.. the food is $5-10 per meal at restaurants. The general rule is: If you eat with the locals, it's cheap. If you go to some fancy upmarket place, of course it's going to be expensive, but you're getting the same food in the end anyway, it's just costing you more.

What is daily life like?
Everyone is very friendly. If you smile and give a small nod to ANYONE, they will do the same. The city areas are very busy. A lot of people ride bicycles - on the footpath, with no helmet. Watch out for them!!

In Tokyo, you can not walk and smoke a cigarette - it's considered rude. They ahve special "smoking stations" set up every few blocks. In other cities, like Osaka and Kyoto, this rule doesn't apply.

There's an array of people out during the day, having meals and reading newspapers/books on their own in cafés... people going shopping... Japan is very "alive".

What's it like being out at night?
Excellent. But be aware of what kind of places you are going to. There are disctricts that you definitely don't want to be in - you may be approached by prostitutes.

I also came across many places that were filled with old men having drinks after work. Going out at night is very male oriented.

BTW, drinks are like, AU $3!!! So cheap to drhink there! And cigarettes too - $3-4 per packet!

Stuff to do? Things to see?
Plenty, you've just gotta find them all. Check online. There's also very helpful information booths at major trainstations where some staff speak English. Although... there's A LOT of signs etc in English, so it's hard to get lost.

A little note on catching cabs... they're very cheap for short trips, but VERY expensive for long trips.

How do people act?
Very modestly. Japanese people are very introverted, but if you take the initiation to speak to them, they are the firendliest people...

The trains are generally very quiet - they have rules to turn off your phones or put them on silent - something the Western world desperately needs to implement!!!

You give a nod to say hello. You nod/bow to thank someone... the depth of your bow depends on how much respect you want to show the person.

You don't blow your nose, you sniffle. Blowing your nose is really rude...

I can't think of tradiitonal stuff right now, just trying to give you some basic ettiquette tips.

Lots of noodle soups!!! I practically lived off them when I was there... although there's A LOT of Americanised places. E.g. Cafés that serve eggs for breakfast (the serving is the size of one ice-cream scoop, by the way). The further out of town you are, the more traditional the food is and the less English people speak. AND the less "western style" toilets you will find!!!!

Is clothing expensive?
Depends where you shop. I found most things quite reasonable, but of course there are boutique stores that will empty out your pockets quickly. T-shirts and hoodies were AU$20-50. Little gifts like chopsticks etc were very cheap.

Is it more peaceful there than in America?
I haven't been to America but I can tell you now... Japan is very peaceful. You don't see conflict on the streets... there isn't even graffiti anywhere! I saw one person who was drunk & disorderly riding a bike (and crashing into bushes) and a policeman LAUGHED and helped him up, and told him to walk home, not ride.

And one last thing, I'm Korean, and would the Japanese be able to tell the difference between me and a native Japanese person? Is there racial tension between Japanese and Koreans?
Yes, Japanese people have very distinct features, BUT they don't all look the same. I guess you would most likely blend in and don't stress about racial tension. If you're friendly, people will show you the same courtesy. They tend not to judge people - I went there with tattoos, piercings and bright red hair [I even had a mohawk up one day] and I had no trouble talking to people, getting cabs etc. People love talkign to foreigners because most of Japan's tourists seem to be internal [e.g. from other parts of Japan]. I hardly saw any other Westerners on my visit!!!



i live in japan, and i ride a bicycle to work.

do you think it would be weird to show to work early, and fix my hair just like tease it a little.

cause i will have helmet hair.. NOT GOOD, by the way i am a leisure travel agent.

but do you guys think it would be weird at all???? or do you have any ideas??


that is perfectly normal. they make travel size blow dryers, straighteners, brush and stuff. so you can have a little bag of this stuff and fix your hair at work. i think it is fine if you do.

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How do i Legalize and Australian Quad?

best bike helmets australia on helmet standards for australia as nzs 2063 2008 new australian and new ...
best bike helmets australia image


How if any way possible can I make a quad bike road legal in Australia. I don't see why there is that much of a difference between a quad bike and a regular 2wheeled bike. Providing that it has all the lights (most do) and the driver wears a helmet what is the problem with using a quad for transport?

Well in the U.S. a quad would have to have the same items that a regular 4-wheel vehicle has, and that would include the following items.

1. Horn
2. Windshield Wipers
3. Mirror
4. Steering
5. Seat Belts
6. Brakes (system) (Parking - beginning with 1960 models)
7. Tires
8. Wheel Assembly
9. Exhaust System
10. Exhaust Emission System (beginning with 1968 models)
11. Beam Indicator (beginning with 1948 models)
12. Tail Lamps (2); (1) if 1959 model or earlier
13. Stop Lamps (2); (1) if 1959 model or earlier
14. License Plate Lamp (1)
15. Rear Red Reflectors (2)
16. Turn Signal Lamps (beginning with 1960 models)
17. Head Lamps (2)
18. Motor, Serial, or Vehicle Identification Number
19. 1988 & newer - inspect for window tinting or coating
20. Gas caps on vehicles 2-24 model years old.

How do i Legalize an Australian Quad?


How if any way possible can I make a quad bike road legal in Australia. I don't see why there is that much of a difference between a quad bike and a regular 2wheeled bike. Providing that it has all the lights (most do) and the driver wears a helmet what is the problem with using a quad for transport?

The biggest difference between quads and motorcycles is the top speed. Most street legal motorcycles are able to keep up with automobile traffic on highways, where your typical quad will only run 40-45 MPH flat out. Add that to the unsafe cornering capabilities of quads at high speeds, and you've got a vehicle that is a traffic hazard to other vehicles, and a danger to the rider himself!

There are some places in the USA where you can license a quad for street use, but they are restricted to streets and roads with speed limits lower than 45 MPH. They cannot be used on open highways.

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