Sabtu, 17 Agustus 2013

Why are there fewer commuter-cyclists lately? What are the main thresholds to bike-commuting?

bike helmets xxl image


Imho, the bike manufacturers are to blame, and here are my opinions. What's your two cents?

In my view, bike saddles are uncomfortable and possibly cause the dreaded Male Dysfunction Syndrome. Also, the Shimano fancy gears and shifters wear out in only 1,000 miles and are costly. In comparison, old bikes had gears/chains that lasted 20 years or more.

Open-face bike helmets don't protect the teeth from impact, and there imho aren't inexpensive full-face helmets for people who wear glasses, size 63cm, or XXL.

Then, there's bike theft.

Any other reasons not listed here?

I hate to say it, but I strongly disagree on every point you've listed.

The 'root' of the low visibility of commuter biking is that the population (as a whole) has been encouraged to obtain and then maintain a sedentary lifestyle. Suburbanization and the 'sprawl' left over from the 50's contributes to longer commutes in terms of distance and time. Working longer hours at a given job means less time to make the travel between home and work .. which results in looking for a faster means of doing so.

The average level of activity in today's population is around 50 percent of the activity level of the 1950's population. That means folks are simply doing less in the way of exercise, and when they do attempt it, it is less strenuous. Sure, there's a handful of exceptions who take exercise (and strenuous types at that!) as a way of life ... but they are more than compensated for by those who do absolutely nothing.

I've ridden on the same Shimano drivetrain on each bike I own (the newest one is a 2004, the oldest is a 1969, and there are three from different ages in between). No bike has less than 7500 miles on it ... the 2004 road bike has almost 8000 miles in just over 2.5 years of riding. There's nothing wrong with the shifters, brakes, rings, cassettes, chain, or freewheel on any of the bikes.

The variety of saddle materials and shapes out there means there's something for everyone. The more probable cause of an uncomfortable saddle experience is that you aren't fitted properly to the bike itself! Check your overall fit at a local bike shop ... there's a fair bit of geomtery involved. And no two people are exactly the same, so your setup has to be somewhat 'custom'.

Cleanup after arriving at work from a lengthy commute can be tricky, if your place of employment doesn't have showers. However, it's pretty much guaranteed it DOES have a washroom - which means running water. Pack a cloth and a towel, some work clothes, and some soap/deodorant. You can clean up with relatively little fuss quite quickly.

As to theft - there's a couple of answers to this. One is to use a 'beater' bike for the commute, so it doesn't appear as attractive to potential thieves. The other is to subtly pressure your employer into providing safe storage during the workday. Email me - I can give you a good example of how I changed the way things were done with my previous employer. Or check a previous answer I've given here on Yahoo! Cycling ... it pretty much portrays the same example.

As to actually pressuring the employer ... use the idea that a fit and active employee is a better health risk from an insurance point of view, so it would be to his benefit to set up safe storage in lieu of higher premiums.

Lastly - there are several styles of bicycle out there on the market. The 'commuter' bike is designed specifically for getting around an urban area; it's slightly more comfortable riding position than a true road bike, and easier to pedal and manoeuvre than a mountain bike. They can be found fairly cheaply; take a look at your local shop. Then try a couple of styles out ... there's one out there for everyone. If you can't find a good bike for you out there, it isn't usually the manufacturers fault - it's yours, for not doing the legwork (and yes, sometimes that means exercise as well!).

What is the Croydon motorcycle accessory shop that sells the bluetooth headsets?

Mal G

Or any other place that sells XXL bluetooth helmet under £80 ?
It is very hadr to get large sizes at that price.
I have done web-search and EBay, Amazon etc, but I spoke to a guy at the lights the other day who said he got his in a bike place in Croydon.

Sooo, go to Croydon and ask at the bike shops - simple ain't it?

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Can I teach my 12 month old daughter to ride a horse?

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What horse would be good for her? Is it safe? Sorry I don't know much about horses but my wife does and she wants me to ask this.

I've given and sold lots of 'pony rides' on my good horses, to kids from about 10 months up. Under age two, they can't grasp the concepts of holding on, NOT holding on, or using reins.

I recently had a 2 yr old kiddo 'taking lessons'. I put him on a bareback pad, I led the horse, mom or dad walked alongside with a hand on his leg. At first, we encouraged him to hold on to the bareback pad, After a couple 'lessons' of 20 minutes or so, broken into several times getting on and off to allow his cousins a turn. I started asking him to let go and do the typical seat-developing exercises of swinging his arms in time with the horse's stride, etc. After he was a champ at that (walking only), he got to trot a few steps while holding on, then started holding reins attached to the sides of the halter. I was still giving the horse his cues, but the kid was wrapping his head around the concepts of independent seat and controlling the horse via the reins and voice cues. There ain't much cuter than a 2 yr old commanding a 1,000 pound horse "Now woe!"

At one year, I think a child could enjoy sitting up there with a parent. After getting used to the sensation of the horse moving, they could probably sit unassisted, but you want to be certain beyond any doubt that your horse is committed to taking care of such a tiny tyke, and have one person leading and another walking at the side *with a hand on the kid's body or clothes* at all times.

Hold off for a year or so trying to 'teach' anything, but if she likes being around them, help her enjoy that in any way that you and her mom agree is safe. If there's any disagreement about the safety factor or whether the risk is worth it, it could cause a terrible rift if something happened and your baby daughter got hurt.

Any time anyone, especially a child, rides a horse they should wear a helmet for safety. Please make sure you start her off with this important habit! If you can't find a riding helmet that will fit, use a bicycle helmet. The major differences in the two types are concerning the possibility of a horse's possibly iron-shod hooves striking the fallen rider's head at gallop. This is highly unlikely in a hand-led pony ride situation, so a bike helmet should be a good protection for this stage of riding.

I believe in starting them off early, but the idea of a 1 yr old child 'learning to ride' seems a bit too early to me.

Can you ride a cruiser style motorcycle like the GZ250 or the V-Star 250 during the winter?


I was thinking of buying one of these bikes for my first vehicle because I don't have the money for a car and because these bikes are much more fuel efficient than cars. So, only having the motorcycle I would need to use it year round. So, can I? Also, if going straight to riding a motorcycle is a bad idea please tell me. Thanks.

Real riders don't park the bike just 'cause of some snow or ice :-D

You can ride year 'round, but I've found dual purpose bikes are easier to handle in the slushy stuff. If you can ride on dirt/sand then you can ride on snow.

Remember that you'll have to bundle up against the windchill. Electric clothing is great if your bike has the charging capacity for it. You can also get anti-fogging stuff for your helmet visor.

If you want to race everyone and treat the roads like your own private race track, fill out your donor card now. You WILL die! If you have some self-control and practice your observational skills and defensive driving, you'll likely do fine. Just realize that no matter your record, just because you're young insurance will be more, especially for a sport bike. But your cruiser shouldn't be a premium killer, especially if it's under 1000cc and paid for. In '82 when I got my first bike (19 years old) my insurance was $12 FOR THE YEAR. Part of that was that the riding season up north was only 6 months and my first bike was just a 125.

Definitely take the MSF course if you haven't already. Tell the instructor about your interest in winter riding and he should give you some tips. Also, if you can (this can depend on age) rent a dual purpose bike and take it onto some sand or loose dirt to get comfortable with sliding the rear. And watch out for those dead leaves; they secrete some kind of oil as they decay, very very slick!

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Are 14 year old allowed to ride electric bikes or pocket bikes as regular bikes for transporation?

bicycle helmet 24 on Bike24 - Pro-Tec The Classic Helmet - shadow
bicycle helmet 24 image


are they allowed to ride the electric bikes legally in california sacramento?

Electric Bicycles are defined by the California Vehicle Code [24][25][26]. In Summary, Electric Bicycles are basically, by law, to be operated like conventional bicycles in California. There are several exceptions to this. A person must be at least 16 years old, and anyone riding an electric bicycle must wear a bicycle helmet. The e-bikes must have an electric motor that has a power output less than 1,000 watts, is incapable of propelling the device at a speed of more than 20 miles per hour on level ground, is incapable of further increasing the speed of the device when human power is used to propel the motorized bicycle faster than 20 miles per hour, operates in a manner so that the electric motor is disengaged or ceases to function when the brakes are applied, or operates in a manner such that the motor is engaged through a switch or mechanism that, when released, will cause the electric motor to disengage or cease to function.

Driver's licenses, registration, insurance and license plate requirements do not apply. A motorized bicycle is not a motor vehicle. A motorized bicycle shall only be operated by a person 16 years of age or older. Drinking and driving laws apply. Additional laws or ordinances may apply to the use of electric bicycles by each city or county [27]]</ref>. The list contains no electric bicycle models, and makes no provision for home builds. The only provision written in the law for riding an electric bicycle on public roads is obtaining a motorcycle title[28].

Can you drive a street legal moped in GA with a Permit?


i recieved a moped and was wondering if i can ride it "legally"?

YES....Motorcycle Defintion
Every motor vehicle having a saddle for the use of the rider and designed to travel on not more than three wheels in contact with the ground, but excluding mopeds. All motorcycles, scooters, minibikes, and motor bikes are considered motor-driven cycle.s

Moped Registration
Mopeds are exempt from the provisions relating to the registration and licensing of motor vehicles

Moped Licensing Requirements
Must be 15 years of age and have in their possession a valid driverâs license, instructional permit or limited permit

Georgia Standard Instructional Permit Requirements
Applicants must be at least 15 years old and be able to pass the eye and knowledge test. When driving, there must be a licensed driver at least 21 years old in the front seat with him or her at all times. The permit is valid for 24 months. Parental consent is required for applicants under 18 years of age.

Additionally, you may not apply or keep a driver's permit or license if you withdraw from school (if you are under age 18), have a total of 10 unexcused absenses or have certain conduct infractions.

Class M - Motorcycle Instructional Permit Requirements
All applicants must pass an eye test and an examination of motorcycle knowledge. An issued Class M instruction permit is valid for 6 months, after which time the applicant may return to the issuing station and take a road test. It is not mandatory for a Class M license applicant to obtain a Class M Instructional Permit before taking the Class M examination. Restrictions for a Class M instructional permit are the following:

Must be at least 16 years old and have parental consent if under 18.
Motorcycle operation in daylight hours only.
No passengers allowed.
No limited access roadways.
Safety equipment as prescribed by law.
Moped Traffic Laws
Operators of mopeds must wear protective headgear (motorcycle helmet).
Operators of bicycles aided by electric power may wear a properly fitted bicycle helmet instead of an approved motorcycle helmet.
No tag is required.
Every person operating a moped upon a roadway must obey the same traffic laws governing drivers of motor vehicles.
May not use limited access highways or other roadways where the minimum speed limit is above 35 mph.
Wherever a usable path or sidewalk designated for use of bicycle riders adjacent to a roadway has been provided, bicycle riders shall use such path or sidewalk and shall not use the roadway.
Persons riding mopeds upon a roadway shall not ride more than two abreast except on paths or parts of roadways set aside for the exclusive use of bicycles.~

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Receding hairline!!! i am 19 years of age?

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i am 19 y.o guy from India! Ok, so some two years back my hairline started receding and it came to my notice sometime after it had receded a bit ! it became a cause of worry for me and i suffered from low self esteem ! but after that it didn't receded and its constant from past 2 n half years !
my dad is bald in middle of head but he says that was due to overusing helmet while riding on bike all the day in his young age! rest my paternal grandfather,uncles have heads full of hair even one of them being around 70 in age!
and from my maternal side the same story my maternal uncles,aunts,grandparents had and have heads full of hair even at older age!
is there a chance that i will lose my hair in young age? Like baldness or in middle of head? like when i will be around 26 27? its worrying me a lot

Get your haircut short like a french crop style or something and take a picture sideways on, 6 months later get the same hair cut, take another picture the same way and compare photos. It's pretty unlikely you're receding at 19, not everyone has a straight low hairline, I think the shape of yours has probably got you worrying.The main thing to watch out for (what I wish someone had told me as I had no clue) is any sign of thinning anywhere on the area where people eventually bald to. It probably won't suddenly jump back more in the same way as it's done now but if it's progressing you'll eventually be able to find some thinner areas. That's where really short hair helps to see what's going on.You are still growing. Its perfectly normal for your body to be changing. We all worried about our looks constantly when we were teenagers. You are perfectly normal. There is nothing wrong with it. Keep going to the doctor or a dermatologist every 6 months to see if he thinks you are a candidate for male pattern baldness. This way if you do develop it when you get older , then take his advice here. good luck

Pro's and Con's of Motorcycles?

Zach B

Im fixing to move out for college, and Im thinking about getting a motorcycle for commute back and for to class/work. Pro's? Con's? Opinions? Reviews of different bikes?

Motorcycles are a lot of fun, plus they have many advantages--easier on gas, easier to park. They're not the greatest in bad weather, but I went to college on a bike for a couple of years, rain and shine, and it wasn't that big of a problem. (Of course I live in California where it rarely rains and never freezes).

If you only want to commute to school and work you don't need anything particularly big or powerful. Unfortunately, motorcycles in the US and Canada are not seen as transportation devices but as recreation devices, so there aren't a lot of smaller, more utilitarian bikes as there are in, say, India or Japan. There are a few, like the Ninja 250 or the Honda Rebel, but even they are more about style than transportation.

There are also motor scooters that are better for transportation. Low center of gravity, auto transmission, very easy to ride. A scooter might be a better choice as simply a transportation device than a 'real' motorcycle.

Anything Japanese is a good bet. All the Japanese manufacturers make a very good product. Anything less than 10 years old you'll have no trouble getting parts for. 250cc or less will get you around town just great, but if you want to do long distances at high speed I'd say 500-650cc to start with. My first bike was a 200cc scooter, and I got it just to go to school, but I loved it so much I found myself going for long rides in the country on weekends. It was adequate for that but then I wanted something bigger. Just for transportation, though, 150-250cc is great.

You will have to get a motorcycle license, which is easy or hard, depending on where you live. You'll need a helmet, jacket and gloves, at a minimum. I would recommend getting something used, you don't want to learn to ride on a shiny new bike. You should have health insurance, not meaning to frighten or discourage you, but things happen.

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How do I get involved in cycling?

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Does anyone know a good beginners bike to purchase? Is there a website I can look at? I am not looking into mountain biking but more like long distance bicycling. I am thinking about $500 tops. Once I find a bike I am comfortable with, how do I become involved in biking groups/teams/etc?

Any info helps, thanks.

Go to your local bike shop and tell them what you want. Be sure you tell them your price range and what your goals are (cruising, racing, touring, etc.). They should help you find the right bike and also the gear you need (helmet, clothes, water bottles, etc.). They will also get you properly fitted.

The bike shop can tell you about local teams and clubs and which ones best fit your needs. Most areas will have a group that has weekly rides that can easily accomodate a beginner. You'll be able to get some miles in and learn the local roads and routes and the etiquette required.

If the first bike shop you go to doesn't help you enough, go to another. Someone will fit the bill. I strongly recommend against buying a bike at Walmart or places like that. The bike is junk and you'll get no help at all. At a bike shop the price of the bike includes all the expertise and is well worth it.

Good luck!

What are good brands for womens rollerblades?


I am starting out rollerblading I am looking for a pair for under $100 and would like to know some tips on buying! thank you!

The two major brands of inline skates (the actual name for the sport) in the us are Rollerblade and K2. Most will be over $100 but if you are lucky, you might get a really good deal on last year's model. Stores want to get rid of them since the new ones are now on the shelves.
I just bought a pair of last year's Rollerblade Activa skates for my girlfriend for about $120. They are a step up from the "good" skates.

Rollerblade also makes a cheaper line of skates called BladeRunner. They are not as good as the ones that Rollerblade puts their brand on.

There are a lot of no-name skates sold in discount stores (Target, Walmart) that are ok for skating a few times a year but are poor for regular use.

Fit is very important. Loose feels good in the store but is a problem when you actually skate. The skates should fit snug all around your feet without pinching your toes. They should act as part of your feet when skating.

Larger wheels roll better and smoother.
I don't recommend any wheels under 80mm for regular use. The smaller wheels are going out except for very cheap skates. They will be harder to replace in the future and have fewer choices.
A beginner should be able to handle up to 84 mm easily. If their balance is good (or have had precious experience on ice or quad skates) 90mm could be reasonable (but well past the $100 price range). Racers are moving to 100mm and larger wheels but they would be hard to learn on and are too big for some well experianced skaters.

Metal frames (the part that holds the wheels) are better than plastic with one piece extruded frames being the best.

If you plan on skating faster or for longer distances, the shorter boot of a fitness skate (well above the $100 level unless you get a great deal) will be more comfortable.

You really don't get a choice of wheels or bearings until you replace them sometime in the future when you wear them out. ABEC ratings of the bearings get advertised in stores but are basically meaningless.

Don't forget to buy a helmet (a bicycle helmet is perfect for recreational/fitness skating) and at least wrist guards.
Head hits are uncommon in falls but can be devastating. I know people who have had headaches for over a year after hitting their head and slightly knew a person that died from it (he hit the back of his head on the ground without a helmet).
Scraping up the skin on the hands are very common in small falls.

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Anime; dark, great story, and good animation?

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I'm looking for an anime with the following;

It has to have a great story, like REALLY good.
The animation must be acceptable.
I prefer something darker.
It has to have a mature story.
Try and keep the length under 100 episodes.
Little to no ecchi.

I've already seen;
Fullmetal Alchemist, FMAB, Darker Than Black, Death Note, and Baccano!.
Anything like thoses would be cool. I've only been watching anime for a year now, so I really haven't seen many anime. Thanks in advance!
Oh, It MUST have a good dub and great music.

If you liked Baccano, try:
Durarara! - Mikado Ryūgamine, a young boy who longs for the exciting life of the big city, moves to Ikebukuro at the invitation of his childhood friend Masaomi Kida, whom he has not seen since he was young, to attend Raira Academy with him. After meeting Masaomi at the train station, they both set out at night to the streets of Ikebukuro. Masaomi warns him about people he doesn't want to cross in the city: like a violent and superhumanly strong man, Shizuo Heiwajima, an information broker, Izaya Orihara, and a mysterious gang known as "The Dollars." After running into some of the side characters, Mikado witnesses a local legend called the "Black Rider", who rides around Ikebukuro on a black bike that occasionally brays like a horse and also rumored to have no head under its helmet. The "Black Rider" is Celty Sturluson, an Irish dullahan who is in Ikebukuro looking for her stolen head. The narrative follows all of the characters equally, showing how their lives intersect, creating a greater plotline from what each character knows about a common incident.

Zetsuen no Tempest - The story revolves around Mahiro Fuwa, a teenager whose family was mysteriously murdered one year before and his friend Yoshino Takigawa. Mahiro is contacted by Hakase Kusaribe, the leader of the Kusaribe clan who was left stranded on an unknown desert island by her followers, and agrees to help Hakase in exchange of her help to find out the culprit for the death of his family. Upon learning of his friend's intentions, Yoshino joins him on his quest to stand against the Kusaribe clan who intends to awake the "Tree of Zetsuen" whose power can bring ruin to the entire world.

K Project - Set in a world where history has taken a slightly different course from the one we're familiar with, K follows the story of a young boy whose life is caught in a psychic war between seven kings.
Ashinaka High School is known for its unique setting: the entire campus is built on an island. Yashiro Isana, aka Shiro, is having lunch with a cat on one of the school rooftops. After his lunch break, Shiro goes on an errand for his classmate Kukuri to prepare for their upcoming school festival, only to be chased by some intimidating-looking men.

If you liked Darker Than Black:
Try the other seasons and the movie


Phantom~The Requiem for the Phantom-Mafia is rife in America where assassinations are a regular occurrence on the streets. Inferno, a mysterious company, is behind most of these dealings through the use of their near-invincible human weapon, "Phantom."
One day, a Japanese tourist accidentally witnesses Phantomâs latest murder. Desperate to escape, the tourist hides in a secluded building. However, Phantom, revealed to be a young woman named Ein, and the leader of Inferno âScythe Masterâ captures the tourist and brainwashes him.
Given the name âZweiâ, this once peaceful tourist is now a puppet of Inferno with no memories. Drawn into a world of lies, deceit, and violence, Zwei must fight to survive, hopefully to one day regain his memories and escape from this world where he is constantly on the brink of death.

Other than that, try:
Wolf's Rain - According to an old legend, when the end of the world comes, Paradise will appear; however, only wolves will know how to find it. Although wolves are believed to have been hunted to extinction nearly two hundred years ago, they still exist, surviving by taking human form. Freeze City is a northern human city in a world where the majority of people live in poverty and hardship.
The story is centered around Kiba, a wolf who tries to find the Paradise.

UN-GO - Based on the works of Ango Sakaguchi, the story follows ShinjūrŠYūki, a detective who solves mysteries with his strange partner, Inga. It is set in a futuristic Japan that has been affected by a major war and numerous terrorist attacks, after JSDF forces were deployed as peacekeepers abroad. It is centered on Shinjuurou Yuuki, a detective, often nicknamed 'The Defeated Detective', who has keen insight on mysteries. He was saved from death by Inga prior to the start of the series. He made a deal with Inga before the series started, in exchange for Inga not killing anymore people, Shinjuurou will be asked the question, what his soul really says, but this opportunity was used up when he was under the influence of Bettenou and had to use it to get out of the illusion. At the end of the prequel movie, he is given a new persona by Kaishou Rinroku. It is unknown what his name was prior to the story.

Pandora Hearts (You have to try this one)
Black Butler (II)
Mirai Nikki
Hellsing (II)
Kara no Kyoukai
Devil May Cry

Ps. Sorry about the last 9. I ran out of space.

Seniors, did you ever own a motorcycle?


The allstate ad made me think of this. The good weather is upon us now and many are out now. We already have had a couple of fatalities. I am not sure if our law makers changed the helmet ruling. People say the helmets are hot, get in the way and such, but I feel that some lives may be saved if they wore them. Head injuries are nothing great to live with.

BQ...Do you think helmets should be mandatory?

If you ride please be safe.
Patti, I am glad you are o.k. except for the bone spurs

I have had 9 motorcycles...on my 9th...since I started riding in Japan in 1971. I'm now 65. Rode today to the Navy air station a few miles away for a hair cut and took the 'long way' home.
I ride almost daily (unless there's bad weather...I used to ride in all types of weather, but getting old and spoiled).
I also ride with a group (see the links below). The Patriot Guard Riders have been in existence since late 2005. A group of nut cases go around demonstrating at military funerals....THANK GOD FOR DEAD SOLDIERS, GOT HATES FÃGS, WE NEED MORE DEAD SOLDIERS, WE NEED MORE IEDS, YOUR SON SUFFERED, YOUR SON IS IN HELL....and other such cräp signs. A group of American Legion men formed a line between the mourners and the demonstrators...and the Patriot Guard was born. I've been a member for a little over 6 years. My 2 first missions really drove me to be deeply involved. The first was a POW/Bataan death march survivor...fell of the roof of his house and was killed. The second was Master Diver, Master Chief Carl Brashear, USN retired (subject of MEN OF HONOR, the black diver who lost his leg). He lived here in Virginia Beach. We've had 13 US Navy SEAL funerals in the past few years. I've been to 11. I was looking at a Navy publication a few months ago and recognized 2 local SEALS. Even my 15 year old daughter is a member. If I can't make a mission (at least down here in s.e. Virginia on the south side) I feel bad.

Helmets mandatory? Depends on how you fell about your brains spilling all over the road WHEN (not IF) you go down. I go for YES. In July it will be legal for 2 bikes to ride side by side in the same lane. Legal or not, the folks I ride with say they won't do it. The only thing good about the law is that bikers can't get a ticket for reckless driving when stopped side by side at a light. Yes that has happened.
One of the GIRLS (now 15, and I've known her since she was 9 years old) from church rides with me from time to time with the PGR. My wife doesn't like going on funeral escorts, but my young friend enjoys riding ANYTIME. I've mounted up and ridden to her house, rang the bell and when she came to the door, I'd hand her a helmet and say, "Ya wanna go mount up?" And we'd take off.
You don't quit riding because you get old, you get old because you quit riding.

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can bicycle visors on helmets be taken off?

bicycle helmet 101 on Anyway, I wasnt going to cry. Smash my thumb with a hammerwe ...
bicycle helmet 101 image


a bicycle helmet such as these


can the visors on those be taken off to be made into a regular helmet? thanks much

Yes they can be, there should be 2 little slides , 1 on each side of the helmet and you can pull the shield off. They are made to be replaced, some helmets are very expensive.

Which one of these are your favorite way to be annoying??? Star If You Like!!!?

Q. I know stars don't give points. Just let me know which one is your favorite!!!

101 Ways To Be Annoying

1. Sing the Batman theme incessantly.

2. In the memo field of all your checks, write "for sensual massage."

3. Specify that your drive-through order is "to go."

4. Learn Morse code, and have conversations with friends in public consisting
entirely of "Beeeep Bip Bip Beeeep Bip..."

5. If you have a glass eye, tap on it occasionally with your pen while
talking to others.

6. Amuse yourself for endless hours by hooking a camcorder to your TV and
then pointing it at the screen.

7. Speak only in a "robot" voice.

8. Push all the flat Lego pieces together tightly.

9. Start each meal by conspicuously licking all your food, and announce that
this is so no one will "swipe your grub."

10. Leave the copy machine set to reduce 200%, extra dark, 17 inch paper, 99

11. Stomp on little plastic ketchup packets.

12. Sniffle incessantly.

13. Leave your turn signal on for fifty miles.

14. Name your dog "Dog."

15. Insist on keeping your car windshield wipers running in all weather
conditions "to keep them tuned up."

16. Reply to everything someone says with "that's what YOU think."

17. Claim that you must always wear a bicycle helmet as part of your
"astronaut training."

18. Declare your apartment an independent nation, and sue your neighbors
upstairs for "violating your airspace."

19. Forget the punchline to a long joke, but assure the listener it was a
"real hoot."

20. Follow a few paces behind someone, spraying everything they touch with a
can of Lysol.

21. Practice making fax and modem noises.

22. Highlight irrelevant information in scientific papers and "cc:" them to
your boss.

23. Make beeping noises when a large person backs up.

24. Invent nonsense computer jargon in conversations, and see if people play
along to avoid the appearance of ignorance.

25. Erect an elaborate network of ropes in your backyard, and tell the
neighbors you are a "spider person."

26. Finish all your sentences with the words "in accordance with prophesy."

27. Wear a special hip holster for your remote control.

28. Do not add any inflection to the end of your sentences, producing awkward
silences with the impression that you'll be saying more any moment.

29. Signal that a conversation is over by clamping your hands over your ears.

30. Disassemble your pen and "accidentally" flip the ink cartridge across the

31. Give a play-by-play account of a person's every action in a nasal Howard
Cosell voice.

32. Holler random numbers while someone is counting.

33. Adjust the tint on your TV so that all the people are green, and insist
to others that you "like it that way."

34. Drum on every available surface.

35. Staple papers in the middle of the page.

36. Ask 1-800 operators for dates.

37. Produce a rental video consisting entirely of dire FBI copyright

38. Sew anti-theft detector strips into people's backpacks.

39. Hide dairy products in inaccessible places.

40. Write the surprise ending to a novel on its first page.

41. Set alarms for random times.

42. Order a side of pork rinds with your filet mignon.

43. Instead of Gallo, serve Night Train next Thanksgiving.

44. Publicly investigate just how slowly you can make a "croaking" noise.

45. Honk and wave to strangers.

46. Dress only in clothes colored Hunter's Orange.

47. Change channels five minutes before the end of every show.

48. Tape pieces of "Sweating to the Oldies" over climactic parts of rental

49. Wear your pants backwards.

50. Decline to be seated at a restaurant, and simply eat their complimentary
mints by the cash register.

51. Begin all your sentences with "ooh la la!"


53. only type in lowercase.

54. dont use any punctuation either

55. Buy a large quantity of orange traffic cones and reroute whole streets.

56. Pay for your dinner with pennies.

57. Tie jingle bells to all your clothes.

58. Repeat everything someone says, as a question.

59. Write "X - BURIED TREASURE" in random spots on all of someone's roadmaps.

60. Inform everyone you meet of your personal Kennedy assassination/UFO/ O.J.
Simpson conspiracy theories.

61. Repeat the following conversation a dozen times: "Do you hear that?"
"What?" "Never mind, it's gone now."

62. Light road flares on a birthday cake.

63. Wander around a restaurant, asking other diners for their parsley.

64. Leave tips in Bolivian currency.

65. Demand that everyone address you as "Conquistador."

66. At the laundromat, use one dryer for each of your socks.

67. When Christmas caroling, sing "Jingle Bells, Batman smells" until
physically restrained.

68. Wear a cape that says "Magnificent One."

69. As much as possible, skip rather than walk.

70. Stand over someone's shoulder, mumbling, as they read.

71. Pretend your computer's mouse is a CB radio, and talk to it.

72. Try playing the William Tell Overture by tapping on the bottom of your
chin. When nearly done, announce "no, wait, I messed it up," and repeat.

73. Drive half a block.

74. Inform others that they exist only in your

Jumat, 16 Agustus 2013

How can I can I teach my wife to ride a bicycle?

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bicycle helmets for adults image

paul y

My wife is 55 and never learned to ride a bicycle. What is the best method for an older person to learn besides a bicycle made for two and a tricycle...she wants to learn but I am unsure on how to teach an adult...

training wheels and when she feels confident remove them and hold the back of the seat until she can do it on her own and don't forget to wear helmets.

Would riding a bicycle for exercise look weird?


I very rarely see adults riding a racing bicycle for exercise. When I do, they are usually wearing those helmets and spandex shorts. Sorry, but they look embarrassing. And tons of cars pass them on the street, so they got a lot of people looking at them.

Should I buy one for exercise? Do I have to wear those spandex shorts? If I do this, I'm thinking of riding around the neighborhood after midnight so no one will see me.

You can get mountain bike clothing that is loose and baggy. Bicyclist look weird to middle class workers who are marketed and brain washed into believing that gas burning automobiles are gold.

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Can anyone recommend a good infant seat for my bike?

bicycle helmets for infants on Trailers child seats Bicycles & Equipment at bizrate - Shop online
bicycle helmets for infants image


I have a Beach cruiser style bike and I am looking for a seat for my 6 month old. Any recommendations?

You do not want to take a 6 month old on a bicycle. Their neck is not strong enough to put up with the strain let alone wear a helmet. What until they are at least 1 year old and can support their head and look around. Some states like NY have laws that prohibit any child 1 year old or less on a bike or trailer.

Can anyone recommend a baby helmet to soften falls?


We got her one, but she won't wear it because it falls over her eyes. Any suggestions?
for those of us who don't see the wisdom in fall protection, try this.. Fall head first onto a hard floor. If you still don't understand the trauma this causes to a baby, repeat until convinced.

I have been a mom for 28 years to 4 kids who are now 28, 26, 23, and 10. I am also grandma to an almost 12 month old grandson who has been working to perfect his toddling skills for about a month. Additionally, I have provided child care in my home for 20 years. Unless your baby has a medical condition necessitating a helmet a child who is developing at a normal rate does not need one. Falls and the accompanying bumps, bruises, and cuts are part of the learning experience and while I won't say never, I will say will rarely cause any permanent or long-lasting damage. I have never heard of a child with a permanent injury as the result of a normal childhood fall. Truthfully, most of the falls will cause various facial injuries rather than head bumps anyway. Right now I have my almost 1 year old grandson sitting on my lap with a bump above his eye that he got earlier today when he fell against a toy while practicing his walking skills. It caused a few tears, but some snuggle time and a kiss to make the "owie" better and he was up and trying again. One of my 2 year old daycare children has a scratch on his check no doubt received over the weekend in some toddler mishap. When babies are learning to walk they will naturally put their hands out to balance themselves and thus to catch themselves so they are not landing with a full impact on their heads/faces on the floor nor will they fall straight back, but usually fall on their well-padded little bottoms. In my many years of experience with infants and toddlers, the only child who needed a helmet was not for safety reasons but was a molding helmet to help with plagiocephaly, which is the misshapen head that some infants get. I am sure that you love your daughter very much and want to do what you can to protect her, but a helmet is really unneccessary unless she is riding on the back of your bike in a child seat or in a bicycle trailer. ADDED: It is just a part of life that babies fall while learning to sit or walk. The majority of the time it is not their head that hits the floor first. While learning to sit simply place pillows around her while she practices the balance skills she needs. While learning to walk, most falls are backward to the bottom. Frontwards falls are usually absorbed by the torso and the arms. Bumps to the head are typically not caused by falls but rather by running into something such as a door knob, a coffee table, or the kitchen table.

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is it legal to have kid seating at bike back in california?

bicycle helmets kids safety on Baby bike seat  choose and buy
bicycle helmets kids safety image

jian l

if yes, what is the hardware requirement? and what is
the safety tips to carry a kid in bicycling?

A kid seat on the back of your bicycle is legal in California and a helmet is required. However, I strongly recommend against those seats. They make your bike top heavy and if you fall, your child falls with you. Your best bet is to buy a trailer to attach to your bike. They have roll cages and if your bike falls over, the trailer hitch has a pivot attachment which keeps the trailer upright. Also, if the trailer does happen to fall over, the roll cage (and helmet) will protect the child. Yes, trailers cost quite a bit more but ask yourself: Are you willing to sacrifice your child's life to save money?

What is the best way to remove a fishing hook from my scrotum?

scott m

I am so embarassed- I jumped out of the shower and grabbed the new rod and reel I got for my birthday- tried to cast it in the house and hooked myself near the taint. Can I do this myself?

no, no, no, no, no, no, no

I !

From the

Scrotal Safety Tips:

When hygienically inspecting your scrotum, remember to treat your fleshy sack with kid gloves (or an equivalent glove of soft construction). Keeping your fingernails neatly trimmed will also help cut down on self-inflicted scrotal damage.
Riding escalators is both fun and convenient. But please remember to wear slacks while you enjoy the mechanical comfort of a moving staircase. And never sit on an escalator tread, even if the escalator is not in service.
Purchasing a swimsuit with built-in underpants will greatly cut down on excess scrotal-stress during a spirited game of volleyball and the like.
A lady-friend can quickly become a lady-enemy where your scrotum is concerned. Play it wise and establish a "safe-word" during rough play. The Scrotal Safety Commission would like to recommend the safe-word: "Peachy-keen"
Get a professional to "size" you for under-shorts. Many scrotal accidents could have been easily avoided by sporting proper fitting under garments.
Due to the aggressive nature of tiny, uncontrollable legs -- baby-sitting may not be a solid career choice for those of you with "fragile scrotums". Sadly, new fathers may not be able to avoid the willy-nilly, groin-magnets that a baby's feet often are. In a case such as this, heavy padding and a generous application of expanding foam (available at your local hardware supplier) will help protect your region.
Bicycles are still legal in many states. Those of you that still insist on riding them should purchase a groin-helmet. These devices come in many colors and wind resistant shapes. Shop around to find the perfect groin-helmet for your needs. Plan a fun get-together with friends to decorate your groin-helmet with decals and "realistic battle damage".
Watch out for cancer.
Enlist one of your friends as a "Crotch-Buddy". Have him concern himself with the safety of your scrotum. Remind him publicly that he is your "Crotch-Buddy". Remind him in front of girls.
Check better informed websites for information about your scrotum. This one is not very good and may well be full of extremely bad ideas. Remember: An informed scrotum owner is a safe scrotum owner

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is it weird to wear crotch rocket gear on a motorcycle?

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best brand of bike helmets image


Is there some sort of biking thing, and can you wear different bike brand jackets with another brand bike? I'm new to this. thanks!

There is nothing weird about wearing any safety gear...that just makes you smart! Now if you wore full leathers that you traditionally only see on the track, that might be a little strange, but you can wear a safety jacket, gloves, etc on a cruiser & not look weird. I haven't met a biker who cared enough to make fun of that.

Before I got a bike & I rode on the back w/ my b/f w/ no gear on, & now that I have a bike I always wear my gear, & I think "man was I an idiot for not wearing protection!"

Bottom line...road rash does not look cool, & dead looks even worse!!!!!

I wouldn't wear a Suzuki jacket on a Honda Goldwing (if that's what you're asking). That's just a major clash, but if that's all you got, that's better then road rash like I said! I have Joe Rocket gloves & jacket, Shoei helmet, & Icon boots...would wear them all the time on ANY bike, no matter what.

What is the best female motorcycle gear brand?


I know helmets are mostly unisex or most brands have helmets for both sexes (same with gloves pretty much right?) but I'm trying to find a brand for FEMALES that is equivalent with brands like AlpineStars etc for boots and jackets. I'll be purchasing some female style Kevlar Jeans, from Horny or Draggin etc so jeans don't matter. I'm just mainly looking for brands for boots and jackets. Thanks :)

The ones that have pink or purple. I take it you're talking about street bike gear. Alpinestars is your best bet, they don't specifically make gear just for a handful of FEMALES to hit the road.

I've seen Alpinestars stuff in pink...

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Kamis, 15 Agustus 2013

Bicycle helmet shell dimensions?

bicycle helmets guide on Gary Fisher 03 Wahoo Disc Mountain Bike - review, compare prices, buy ...
bicycle helmets guide image

young agai

I am designing a bike helmet shell, can anyone tell me what the dimensions of just the shell are of a child to adolescent sized helmet? Thank you!!!

Smallest sized helmet generally available is 48 cm (18.9 ")
There were smaller helmets around but most manufacturers steer away from these. The skull bones of a child less than this size may not have sutured together.

An adolescent can have a fully grown head

Larger sizes of 63 cm (24.8") are common. Some people need an even larger helmet.

Rough guide width 0.8 times length. Depth 0.4 times length

Wouldn't it be better for the government to give guidance as far as staying healthy by?


doing things such as giving fines to parents who fail to: make sure their children wear shoes when walking on pavement so that they don't end up with glass and other sharp objects cutting their feet; purchase a bicycle helmet for their children when they buy a bike and make the child wear it; and teach their children to walk on sidewalks instead of in the streets in order to stay safe? Wouldn't it make more sense for the government to worry about guiding people who do not have good judgment when it comes to parenting, instead of telling us to not drink pop and eat at McDonald's?

These are very different, not mutually exclusive so there doesnât need to be a choice. The government can do either, both or neither.

What you are proposing would be in effect mandatory, and the government is often cautious about imposing on citizens' choices by making everything mandatory. They do so from time to time, but usually only in clear cut cases. And even now, extremely bad judgment involving a child could perhaps be prosecuted under a child endangerment charge. (Which is a criminal charge, not a civil fine). Sounds like you are proposing a system of lesser, civil charges for minor cases of irresponsibility that probably wouldnât get prosecuted now.

One example where that is done now is with car seats, which are now mandatory. There could certainly be laws passed, probably at the state level, creating additional, similar requirements.

Such rules are enforced and made at a local level, while the dietary guidelines are usually from the federal level â in a sense a completely different âgovernmentâ so different organizations are deciding the two issues.

In any case, guidelines like that are just educational and do not force anyone to comply, so they can be issued relatively freely.

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is it illegal to rollerblade without a helmet In british columbia canada?

bicycle helmets vancouver on Fox Racing Canada
bicycle helmets vancouver image

Jeremy S

Im really pissed off

Yes, for rollerblading, bicycling, skateboarding, etc. you must wear a helmet under most municiple bylaws. I know that Vancouver and North Vancouver have adopted these regulations. Please check this web link out in regards to rollerblading in Vancouver:


Petra M, Vancouver

how old do you have to be to drive a motor scooter?


Hello key key

If you are in Canada I believe you have to be 16 to drive any powered vehicle. But, you can use a limited speed (32 km/hr maximum) electric scooter without licence or insurance because it is classified as a power assisted bicycle. Or you can drive a limited speed electric motorcycle (70 km/hr maximum) with a regular licence and insurance - no motorcycle licence required. It is always smart to take some lessons for riding 2 wheeled vehicles, but the scooters have a lower center of gravity making them easier to balance than a bicycle.

If you are considering buying this is information from the best electric scooters and motorcycles I could find locally - Motorino Scooters from Greenwit Technologies - when I went shopping for myself. (I live in British Columbia)

I took this from the web site of their shop in Vancouver, but their scooters are carried all across Canada:

What are the advantages of having an electric scooter?
a) Freedom - it is classified as a bicycle and as such can benefit from all the freedom you have riding a regular bike.
b) Economical â donât pay for parking, insurance, driverâs license, gas, maintenance, pennies to charge. If used as a substitute for a car it pays off in 4 months.
c) Safer than a bike â the scooters look like, and have all the safety features of, a gas motorcycle. From our customerâs experience, car drivers pay scooter riders more respect than regular bicycle riders.
d) Quiet â no engine or transmission noise. It is literally noiseless. (I believe this applies to the brushless motors only, which is what these people make)
e) Environmental â it is greener than using a bus. Utilizes the idle night energy when you charge it. Batteries are recycled and there is no emission.
f) A lot of fun â you will believe when you try it.

Who would benefit from an electric scooter?
a) People who want to avoid heavy traffic. Since our MOTORINO⢠scooters are classified by Transport Canada as Power Assisted Bicycles they travel beside the traffic or anywhere where regular bicycles are used.
b) People who work in the city and are tired of looking for, or paying for, parking. All MOTORINO⢠scooters can be legally parked on the sidewalk and have security antitheft features.
c) Daily commuters traveling up to 60-70 km on flat roads or 30-40 on hills. The high torque motor provides enough power to handle 15 degrees hills.
d) Commuters who hate to get wet in rainy weather. The specially designed for MOTORINO⢠scooters rain cape which is included with the scooter, and the visor helmet, protect the rider completely in rain.

I hope that is helpful

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i heard if you do alot of reading you wont get alzheimer's. is that true?

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bicycle helmets evidence image


not exactly. here are some ways to prevent it though:
Eat healthy. Your best defence against this disease appears to be in the food you eat. A recent study published in Alzheimer's and Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association found that people who eat the recommended amount of fol-ate have a much lower risk of developing the disease.

Fol-ates are B-vitamins found in leafy green vegetables, oranges, legumes and bananas.

But, "Although fol-ates appear to be more beneficial than other nutrients, the primary message should be that overall healthy diets seem to have an impact on limiting Alzheimer's disease risk," said Maria Corrada of the University of California Irvine's Institute for Brain Ageing and Dementia, who co-led the study. Antioxidant-rich foods are also extremely important.

Lead a healthy lifestyle. Things like avoiding tobacco and excess alcohol, exercising and staying socially active all are linked to a healthy brain, according to the Alzheimer's Association.

"The major way we've reduced the death rate from heart disease is through lifestyle changes: eating better, exercising more, smoking less," said David A. Bennett of Rush University in Chicago. "It would require a lot of people to change the way they live, but there's no reason to think we can't have the same impact on Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia."

To get a complete idea of the most risky lifestyle choices when it comes to your health and longevity, check out The Six Worst Lifestyle Choices You Could Make.

Playing chess and other mind-stimulating games helps keep your brain healthy.

Exercise your body. As mentioned above, regular exercise is important for your brain health. "Walking 45 minutes three times a week for six months significantly improved mental ability of older adults with no dementia; a randomly selected control group that did stretching and toning had no change," says Arthur Kramer, a psychologist at the University of Illinois.

Exercise your mind. "Just keeping busy seems to tune the brain," says neuropsychologist Yaakov Stern of Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons. In a seven-year study of 1,800 older adults, Stern found that the more "leisure pursuits" a person had, the lower their risk of developing Alzheimer's. Leisure pursuits included:

â¢Visiting friends
â¢Playing cards
â¢Going to the movies
The key is to keep your brain engaged as you age. Try crossword puzzles, games like chess and checkers, reading, attending a lecture, volunteering or taking a class that interests you.

Avoid head injuries. Research has uncovered a strong link between serious head injury and Alzheimer's. You can reduce your risk of head injury by always wearing a seat belt while driving, wearing a helmet on a motorcycle or bicycle and making sure to remove tripping hazards around your home.

Try to relax and stay positive. According to the Centre for Healthy Minds, elderly people who experience a lot of psychological distress (worrying, feeling insecure or nervous) are more likely to show signs of mental decline. In fact, one study found that people prone to high levels of distress were twice as likely to develop symptoms of Alzheimer's disease after five years than those who were prone to low levels of distress.

Further, adults who suffer from depression have a higher risk of developing Alzheimer's than those who show few or no depressive symptoms.

The Bottom Line

"It's hard to prove a lot of these things, but I'm convinced there's enough evidence that there is a cause-and-effect relationship," said Gary Small of the University of California at Los Angeles, who developed a "memory prescription" for Alzheimer's that includes a healthy diet, daily exercise and relaxation and memory exercises.

Indeed, clinical studies have yet to be performed to test many methods of Alzheimer's prevention, but when the techniques are employed in a population, benefits seem to be found.

And, as Small points out, there's nothing to lose, "We may not have conclusive proof. But the evidence is strong. And these are all healthy choices for other reasons."

hope this helps!

how do i put evidence in my editorial?


please give emaple

Simple. Cite facts. If you're writing an editorial about bicycle safety, get statistics from the police department or public safety office that says 78 people in our town were hospitalized last year because of injuries suffered on bicycles. Officials say that helmets, and closer adherance to speed limits, would have cut down on that number. And then go on to say how important it is for cyclists and car drivers alike to be careful.

(Of course, I'm making up those statistics ... but when you write your editorial, get actual facts, which you can attribute to a recognized source, and then state your opinion.)

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Rabu, 14 Agustus 2013

Anybody have tips for biking on the streets (bike lanes) in a city?

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bike helmets yellow image


My city has bike lanes and I have never used them before. I'm a bit apprehensive to use them (I would really prefer to bike on the sidewalk). Does anyone have any tips on biking on them? I guess I'm scared about cars.

Buy and wear a helmet and buy and place and use as many red/yellow blinking lights you can place in front and rear and sideways on this bike. DO NOT ride your bike on sidewalks in a city, any city. It is illegal and you can hurt someone and or yourself. All traffic laws apply to bikes as well and that includes hand signals for turning. Right or wrong, legal or not, bikes shall end up hurt or dead when bike meets car. BE VISIBLE, BE SMART AND BE CAREFUL!

Can you ride your bicycle in car lanes with helmet?


Going down a mountain with a One way lane (going up the mountain or down the mountain) solid line.
Can you drive a bicycle down the road with your helmet on? It's a one way street with solid yellow line and it's a lot of curves so cars can't be speeding.
In the DMV booklet says that vehicles need to share the road with bicyclist and motorcyclist. In California.
Can I ride down the mountain with my bike without police pulling me over?
There ain't no bicycle lane on that road.

Are you at least 18 years of age? Then you can ride without a helmet.

If you are under 18 years old, CVC 21212 requires you to wear a helmet when riding a bicycle on the road, the sidewalk or any bike path.

You should familiarize yourself with the specific of CVC 21202 and 21208 to understand the keep right rule for bicycles and the bike lane rule.

You should also check my references below for how to ride safely on the road.

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Where to find a Visor for my Bike Helmet?

best bike helmets 2010 on leather motorcycle jacket racing | eBay
best bike helmets 2010 image


I have a 2010 Giant Talos bike helmet. I have two questions. 1) Do all Giant helmets have the same type of visors (universal), and 2) where online can I find this visor. I lost mine.

Call the local Giant dealer they may have one laying around. Good excuse to buy another helmet.

Where can I get a good dirt bike helmet for cheap?

Luke Davis

I'm not racing I usually ride around with friends on trails and places like that so I need a good helmet for less than $200. Where can I get one?

Here is a link,

Bell Helmets sells new helmets for next to nothing, right now they have a crapload of snell 2005 helmets that they are selling at closeout prices just because they were manufactured before the snell 2010 raiting kicked out. I got a moto 8 helmet with a bag and extra visor for $180 delivered.

It's better than getting a cheaply built cheap helmet or a used one.

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Cool looking cycling helmet?

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best low profile bike helmets image


I need a helmet $100 or less that doesn't look like a giant mushroom on my head. Right now I have a super cheap giro and it looks big and goofy. I know helmets are made for safety, but are there any that look good while protecting my head? Something low profile

Go into a local bike shop (avoid wal-mart and other stores that don't specialize in bikes) and take a look at a few. Helmets have come a long way since those old Bell helmets from the 90's. if this doesn't work out Trek and Specialized make some very nice looking ones for both road and mt.biking, and yes they r under $100

For $1000 road bike, what are top three "must" have for better price?

jian l

low end Carbon vs. high end Al
brend, years...

so many choices. Pla advice

assuming you will be properly fit and that accessories suchas shorts and pedals are not part of the budget my opinio is as follows.
1. shimano 105 or better components. i love my 105 and ultergra stuff, flat out will NOT pay for dura ace.
2. carbon where it counts... seat stays and forks. aluminium is fine and with carbon forks and stays the ride will be smoothed. add a carbon seat post if necesary. i ride a full alluminum (forks and all) and havent really had any issues with harsh ride.
3. decent wheels. i swear by my mavic open pros on cannondale factory hubs. they are not flashy they dont have huge carbon spokes or some wierd lacing pattern with only 7 spokes. they are low profile aluminum and sturdy, no ridiculously deep v cross sections. plain simple reliable with replaceable and upgradeable sealed berrings.

a reliable local bike shop will be able to steer you in the right direction and help you compare and contrast different models and parts. at the $1000 price point there are tons of bikes out there and many shops are going to be trying to get rid of last years stock... great pricing on near identical bikes. make sure the bike is properly fit to your body, this means that you sit on the bike while on a trainer and they take measurements and make adjustments.some timeses they will replace parts such as stems and bars to acheive a better fit. also it never hurts to ask if you can get discount on some acsessories if purchased at the same time as the bike, ive score pedals or helmets for free before.

one last thing, find out about your shops service plan and definately submit the waranty card from your bike.
good luck and have fun.

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