i was wondering cause i am 5`7" and i weigh 250 and i am interested in buying a fixed gear bicycle but when i saw the frame im kinda not sure cause it looks like it wouldn't be able to support my weight
You are overweight, but that will not be relevant if you buy a bicycle. You only weigh about sixty pounds more than me. I carry at least a ten-pound pack every day. The point that makes me wonder is the reason that you are buying a single-speed bike.
If you are going to really ride any miles, you want a dedicated road bike. You should invest in a good quality, aluminum-frame road bike if you want efficient transportation on pavement. I found that switching from a hybrid comfort bike to a low-end road bike increased my commuting speed 30% over my sixteen-mile daily ride.
I found a Trek 1500 that weighs about 20 pounds with narrow tires. I travel downhill at 42 MPH, level at 25 MPH, with an uphill speed of about 8 MPH. Total terrain average is 12 MPH.
I shopped around year-old models at 20% discount, but found a Trek 1500 demo model at a 40% discount in a 60 cm frame size. I am 6'2" at 195 pounds, a perfect fit. With accessories, I spent $800 with a tire repair kit, pump, and lock.
Within the first 1,000 miles, I had five flat tires. I replaced the tires with a Schwalbe Marathon Plus on the rear and a Continental Gator on the front. I had no flat tires over the second 1,000 miles. The tires cost about $100.
I spent more than $100 on Night Rider 15 watt headlight and rechargeable battery pack. I bought a back-up Cat Eye lamp with four rechargeable AA batteries. I also bought red flashers for the seat post and helmet, with a duct tape loop on the helmet to hold the LED lamp. Since I ride in below-zero windchills, I paid $160 for Hotronic electric footbed heaters in leather shoes that cost $100. I also wear layers of fleece with North Face waterproof pants and Spyder backpack cover, figure another $200.
So, I spent about $1,600 on everything that I needed for 2,000 miles of riding in the past year. Spread over five years, bicycle commuting will cost me less than $0.15 per mile, which is cheaper than driving a car and provides great fitness.
Regarding your weight loss program, I can give you the following ideas:
Check a BMI calculator to set your weight goal.
Your BMI should be between 19 and 25.
You should find exercise that fits into your daily routine, like walking to school, bicycling to the grocery store, and hiking through a local park. Try to perform these moderate exercise activities for at least an hour every day. Eat more fruits and vegetables, since these are both filling and filled with the nutrients that your body needs.
Let me give you a summary of my meals in a typical day:
Breakfast: A high-fiber cup of oatmeal, brown sugar, cinnamon, and vanilla. A pint of coffee or green tea.
Alternatively, a high-protein scrambled egg with an Anaheim or Pasadilla pepper, a handful of mushrooms, and half-cup of cheese, with a topping of Greek or Italian spices. Two bananas.
Lunch: Snacking and a meal at work is one orange and two apples; ten-grain, flax-meal, psyllium home-made crackers or rice chips with an ounce or two of spreadable soft feta; a quarter-cup of cinnamon-sugar almonds; a pint of coffee; a quart of water.
Alternatively, a soup of clam chowder with a half-cup of added mixed seafood such as clams and octopus or split pea soup; dried figs and apricots to satisfy hunger between meals; a quart of water.
Dinner: A half-head of lettuce with thousand island or blue cheese dressing. Two bananas with a glass of milk. Two cups of herbal tea.
Alternatively, a high-fiber, multi-grain and flax meal pasta with red sauce, adding mushrooms, peppers, bok choi, and a few black olives. Another meal is stir-fry vegetables in a ginger terriyaki or vegetable spring rolls with duck sauce. A cup of brown rice or wild rice, not a true rice, as a high-fiber side dish is very filling with green tea or herbal tea.
My daily exercise routine is 16 miles of biking, unless the weather is nasty. If the weather is bad, I run 4 miles a day with a backpack. On my days off work, I usually hike about 5 miles in winter due to snow on my paths and 10 miles in summer. Try to do at least an hour of moderate exercise per day, which can be a commute to pick-up groceries, get to work or school, or a hike in a park or neighborhood.
Look-up healthy eating and other topics related to your health at WebMD as well:
The best colon cleaners: strawberries, bananas, oatmeal, apples, psyllium husk powder, and flax meal. If these do not work, try a cheap laxative like generic calcium polycarbophil or sennosides. If you still want to pay more for roughly the same effects, try "Acai Berry Cleanse" or Cellular Research Formula "Colon Clear" and "Total Body Purifier." Buy a juicer and pulp apples and ot
You are overweight, but that will not be relevant if you buy a bicycle. You only weigh about sixty pounds more than me. I carry at least a ten-pound pack every day. The point that makes me wonder is the reason that you are buying a single-speed bike.
If you are going to really ride any miles, you want a dedicated road bike. You should invest in a good quality, aluminum-frame road bike if you want efficient transportation on pavement. I found that switching from a hybrid comfort bike to a low-end road bike increased my commuting speed 30% over my sixteen-mile daily ride.
I found a Trek 1500 that weighs about 20 pounds with narrow tires. I travel downhill at 42 MPH, level at 25 MPH, with an uphill speed of about 8 MPH. Total terrain average is 12 MPH.
I shopped around year-old models at 20% discount, but found a Trek 1500 demo model at a 40% discount in a 60 cm frame size. I am 6'2" at 195 pounds, a perfect fit. With accessories, I spent $800 with a tire repair kit, pump, and lock.
Within the first 1,000 miles, I had five flat tires. I replaced the tires with a Schwalbe Marathon Plus on the rear and a Continental Gator on the front. I had no flat tires over the second 1,000 miles. The tires cost about $100.
I spent more than $100 on Night Rider 15 watt headlight and rechargeable battery pack. I bought a back-up Cat Eye lamp with four rechargeable AA batteries. I also bought red flashers for the seat post and helmet, with a duct tape loop on the helmet to hold the LED lamp. Since I ride in below-zero windchills, I paid $160 for Hotronic electric footbed heaters in leather shoes that cost $100. I also wear layers of fleece with North Face waterproof pants and Spyder backpack cover, figure another $200.
So, I spent about $1,600 on everything that I needed for 2,000 miles of riding in the past year. Spread over five years, bicycle commuting will cost me less than $0.15 per mile, which is cheaper than driving a car and provides great fitness.
Regarding your weight loss program, I can give you the following ideas:
Check a BMI calculator to set your weight goal.
Your BMI should be between 19 and 25.
You should find exercise that fits into your daily routine, like walking to school, bicycling to the grocery store, and hiking through a local park. Try to perform these moderate exercise activities for at least an hour every day. Eat more fruits and vegetables, since these are both filling and filled with the nutrients that your body needs.
Let me give you a summary of my meals in a typical day:
Breakfast: A high-fiber cup of oatmeal, brown sugar, cinnamon, and vanilla. A pint of coffee or green tea.
Alternatively, a high-protein scrambled egg with an Anaheim or Pasadilla pepper, a handful of mushrooms, and half-cup of cheese, with a topping of Greek or Italian spices. Two bananas.
Lunch: Snacking and a meal at work is one orange and two apples; ten-grain, flax-meal, psyllium home-made crackers or rice chips with an ounce or two of spreadable soft feta; a quarter-cup of cinnamon-sugar almonds; a pint of coffee; a quart of water.
Alternatively, a soup of clam chowder with a half-cup of added mixed seafood such as clams and octopus or split pea soup; dried figs and apricots to satisfy hunger between meals; a quart of water.
Dinner: A half-head of lettuce with thousand island or blue cheese dressing. Two bananas with a glass of milk. Two cups of herbal tea.
Alternatively, a high-fiber, multi-grain and flax meal pasta with red sauce, adding mushrooms, peppers, bok choi, and a few black olives. Another meal is stir-fry vegetables in a ginger terriyaki or vegetable spring rolls with duck sauce. A cup of brown rice or wild rice, not a true rice, as a high-fiber side dish is very filling with green tea or herbal tea.
My daily exercise routine is 16 miles of biking, unless the weather is nasty. If the weather is bad, I run 4 miles a day with a backpack. On my days off work, I usually hike about 5 miles in winter due to snow on my paths and 10 miles in summer. Try to do at least an hour of moderate exercise per day, which can be a commute to pick-up groceries, get to work or school, or a hike in a park or neighborhood.
Look-up healthy eating and other topics related to your health at WebMD as well:
The best colon cleaners: strawberries, bananas, oatmeal, apples, psyllium husk powder, and flax meal. If these do not work, try a cheap laxative like generic calcium polycarbophil or sennosides. If you still want to pay more for roughly the same effects, try "Acai Berry Cleanse" or Cellular Research Formula "Colon Clear" and "Total Body Purifier." Buy a juicer and pulp apples and ot
Beginning Cycling?
Big D
Im looking for a good resource to get into cycling. And perhaps information on what kind of bikes would be best for a beginner.
Very good question.
3 steps to answer.
Discover where the bike may go
Find a bike that fits this and your body
Test drive this bike against its peers in competition for your pleasure
Go to the bike shop for cycling club information and look online for cycling clubs in your area.
At the same time, look for bike paths and bike trails. Paths/courses=road or road-ish hybrid and trails=mountain or mountain comfort hybrid.
So, discovering who to ride with and where to ride can be very helpful in selecting a bike. That way, it will have the most pleasing results--since it matches the application.
Here's a few examples of un-flexable bikes:
Road racer, not all season, pavement only.
2 versions available, ergo and traditional (non ergo), and performance varies wildly, no matter which sort, so test drive (many times) is paramount.
Double sprung mountain bike, very slow on pavement, use only for dirt or a very short pavement trip.
Single speed bike, not good on hills.
Three speed bike, not good on hills
Heavy bike of any kind, not good on hills
Here's a few examples of flexable bikes:
Road-ish hybrid and cyclocross (same bike, different prices), pavement, short trips on gravel, and all season, also handles rough pavement with grace, and 700c varieties with road wheels usually go at a similar speed to road racer, yet with far more comfort and longer distances than the road racer. Hill speed is slightly slower than the racer, but averages are similar.
Mountain comfort hybrid and XC racer (same bike, different prices), pavement, long trips on gravel, mountain bike trails, no "jumping" and has enough road speed to go road touring with a club, as long as the wheels are the narrow XC variety. These usually have an 11-32 rear and a 28, 38, 48 front, thus making a "road" bike that is also at home on gravel. These are heavier than road racer, so make a slower trip up paved hills.
Select a bike from the bike store.
This is incredibly important!!
At the bike store, price does not have much merit at all, because they do not carry junk.
At the bike store, all the bikes are new, unlike used bikes that are sold because they displeased somebody.
At the bike store, you can test drive, and there's no other way to get the bike that fits you and pleases you.
Test drive until you find a bike that is more pleasant in comparison to others--and quick!
Put that one near the door so you don't have to fish it out of the big jumble of bikes in there. ;)
Test drive other bikes and each time, again test drive the "pleasant" bike directly afterwards.
This is a competition. Buy the winner.
The winner will be faster (because it fits) and it will make you smile.
Now that you have a bike that pleases you, you will want some supplies.
Helmet, Trek Vapor or Trek Police (police label peels right off, nice white helmet) $30 (great value) for a helmet that is a pleasure to wear--because your head is cooler with it than without.
On my last bike tour, I left it on when walking around camp during the day, because it made my head cooler. Very good for hot weather!
Very likely to use it too. ;)
Speedometer (Schwinn at Wal-Mart) because you need to change your chain at every 1000 miles (dirt) to 2000 miles (pavement) to protect the gears. At 1500 miles or so, the battery will go low, freak out, and refuse to read the speeds. Time for a new chain, and a very small battery. How convenient is that? The Schwinn is very durable, waterproof, works better than most for the price (as anything of that brand), and it is extraordinarily easy to use.
Flat-Pac (under seat bag, Bell at Wal-Mart) because you need to put an extra inner tube in there and maybe some other things, like keys, wallet, a few allen wrenches, tissue pac, small camera. . .
Extra inner tube (from the bike store).
Frame pump/bike pump (from the bike store) so that you can fix a flat while away from home.
Rear blinkie (triangular red Bell from Wal-Mart) so that cars can see the bike (from the rear).
LED headlight (from the bike store) Serfas SL-400 featherweight, inexpensive and very conservative on batteries, with a huge, wide, moped like headlight beam, because cycling doesn't end at sundown. Unbelievable performance.
If you plan on using an XC racer or similar "mountain comfort hybrid" mostly on pavement, then I'd suggest Kenda Kross Plus Yellow Label (insist on the yellow label--its faster and flat protected) for quicker road speeds and grace on gravel, for about $9 ea.
If you've no intention of riding on gravel, take a look at Specialized Cirrus and Schwinn Super Sport for comfy results and such speed that you won't get left behind in the road club.
But the thought I want to leave you with is to go to the bike store, where price has neither consequence or merit, and test drive a lot.
This will work really very well.
Very good question.
3 steps to answer.
Discover where the bike may go
Find a bike that fits this and your body
Test drive this bike against its peers in competition for your pleasure
Go to the bike shop for cycling club information and look online for cycling clubs in your area.
At the same time, look for bike paths and bike trails. Paths/courses=road or road-ish hybrid and trails=mountain or mountain comfort hybrid.
So, discovering who to ride with and where to ride can be very helpful in selecting a bike. That way, it will have the most pleasing results--since it matches the application.
Here's a few examples of un-flexable bikes:
Road racer, not all season, pavement only.
2 versions available, ergo and traditional (non ergo), and performance varies wildly, no matter which sort, so test drive (many times) is paramount.
Double sprung mountain bike, very slow on pavement, use only for dirt or a very short pavement trip.
Single speed bike, not good on hills.
Three speed bike, not good on hills
Heavy bike of any kind, not good on hills
Here's a few examples of flexable bikes:
Road-ish hybrid and cyclocross (same bike, different prices), pavement, short trips on gravel, and all season, also handles rough pavement with grace, and 700c varieties with road wheels usually go at a similar speed to road racer, yet with far more comfort and longer distances than the road racer. Hill speed is slightly slower than the racer, but averages are similar.
Mountain comfort hybrid and XC racer (same bike, different prices), pavement, long trips on gravel, mountain bike trails, no "jumping" and has enough road speed to go road touring with a club, as long as the wheels are the narrow XC variety. These usually have an 11-32 rear and a 28, 38, 48 front, thus making a "road" bike that is also at home on gravel. These are heavier than road racer, so make a slower trip up paved hills.
Select a bike from the bike store.
This is incredibly important!!
At the bike store, price does not have much merit at all, because they do not carry junk.
At the bike store, all the bikes are new, unlike used bikes that are sold because they displeased somebody.
At the bike store, you can test drive, and there's no other way to get the bike that fits you and pleases you.
Test drive until you find a bike that is more pleasant in comparison to others--and quick!
Put that one near the door so you don't have to fish it out of the big jumble of bikes in there. ;)
Test drive other bikes and each time, again test drive the "pleasant" bike directly afterwards.
This is a competition. Buy the winner.
The winner will be faster (because it fits) and it will make you smile.
Now that you have a bike that pleases you, you will want some supplies.
Helmet, Trek Vapor or Trek Police (police label peels right off, nice white helmet) $30 (great value) for a helmet that is a pleasure to wear--because your head is cooler with it than without.
On my last bike tour, I left it on when walking around camp during the day, because it made my head cooler. Very good for hot weather!
Very likely to use it too. ;)
Speedometer (Schwinn at Wal-Mart) because you need to change your chain at every 1000 miles (dirt) to 2000 miles (pavement) to protect the gears. At 1500 miles or so, the battery will go low, freak out, and refuse to read the speeds. Time for a new chain, and a very small battery. How convenient is that? The Schwinn is very durable, waterproof, works better than most for the price (as anything of that brand), and it is extraordinarily easy to use.
Flat-Pac (under seat bag, Bell at Wal-Mart) because you need to put an extra inner tube in there and maybe some other things, like keys, wallet, a few allen wrenches, tissue pac, small camera. . .
Extra inner tube (from the bike store).
Frame pump/bike pump (from the bike store) so that you can fix a flat while away from home.
Rear blinkie (triangular red Bell from Wal-Mart) so that cars can see the bike (from the rear).
LED headlight (from the bike store) Serfas SL-400 featherweight, inexpensive and very conservative on batteries, with a huge, wide, moped like headlight beam, because cycling doesn't end at sundown. Unbelievable performance.
If you plan on using an XC racer or similar "mountain comfort hybrid" mostly on pavement, then I'd suggest Kenda Kross Plus Yellow Label (insist on the yellow label--its faster and flat protected) for quicker road speeds and grace on gravel, for about $9 ea.
If you've no intention of riding on gravel, take a look at Specialized Cirrus and Schwinn Super Sport for comfy results and such speed that you won't get left behind in the road club.
But the thought I want to leave you with is to go to the bike store, where price has neither consequence or merit, and test drive a lot.
This will work really very well.
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