Ok my daughter is 4 years old and we are having a hard time with her bike helmet. It is a âtoddlerâ size helmet but my daughter is a bit big for her age (same size as the average 5 ½ year old). I know that helmets are supposed to fit âsnuglyâ but we are having a hard time getting the dumb thing to go on her head all the way! She is also having issues with the chinstrap; I know that is supposed to be snug as well but it cuts across her neck at a funny place and it irritates her skin because she has eczema. The real problem is this: I have only been able to find toddler sizes and adult sizes⦠arenât there sizes for children? Also what is the best way to keep the chinstrap from irritating her skin? Is there a way to figure out what her helmet âsizeâ would be?
Any advice would be great! Thanks for taking the time to read and answer.
Search around....there are plenty of "youth" sized helmets available. If you can't get the toddler helmet onto her noggin, don't force it. lol. Not only will that drive her crazy, but in the event of a crash it could actually hurt her instead of protecting her.
Any bike shop can get one for you if they don't happen to carry youth models. If you check , , and they should have a few to pick from (I'm positive that Jenson does....too lazy to check the other two but they normally have the bases covered).
To measure properly for size, just use a flexible sewing tape measure or a non-stretchy piece of her head with it just above the eyebrows and measure it. Check the description on the helmet you're interested in and it should show the range of sizes it will fit. A helmet that fits her shouldn't irritate her skin if you adjust the straps properly. If her eczema makes that an issue, you could make some little tubes to cover the straps...maybe some microfleece or something soft like that.
Hope this helps....and good on you for caring enough about her safety to get advice! too many parents are so lazy about this...I cringe at some of the kids I've seen riding mtb trails without helmets or with really poorly fitted helmets. All it takes is one good crash.....
Search around....there are plenty of "youth" sized helmets available. If you can't get the toddler helmet onto her noggin, don't force it. lol. Not only will that drive her crazy, but in the event of a crash it could actually hurt her instead of protecting her.
Any bike shop can get one for you if they don't happen to carry youth models. If you check , , and they should have a few to pick from (I'm positive that Jenson does....too lazy to check the other two but they normally have the bases covered).
To measure properly for size, just use a flexible sewing tape measure or a non-stretchy piece of her head with it just above the eyebrows and measure it. Check the description on the helmet you're interested in and it should show the range of sizes it will fit. A helmet that fits her shouldn't irritate her skin if you adjust the straps properly. If her eczema makes that an issue, you could make some little tubes to cover the straps...maybe some microfleece or something soft like that.
Hope this helps....and good on you for caring enough about her safety to get advice! too many parents are so lazy about this...I cringe at some of the kids I've seen riding mtb trails without helmets or with really poorly fitted helmets. All it takes is one good crash.....
What States Have Bicycle Helmet Laws?
Eleven and younger
Louisiana and Pennsylvania require bicycle riders below the age of 12 to wear a helmet.
New York has enacted a law that requires children between the ages of one and 13 to wear a helmet and children under the age of one are prohibited from riding a bike altogether.
Fourteen/fifteen and younger
In West Virginia it is against the law for anyone 14 years of age and younger to ride a bicycle without wearing a protective helmet.
The following states require bicycle riders below the age of 16 to wear a helmet: Alabama, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Maine, Maryland, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Oregon, Rhode Island and Tennessee. The District of Columbia also has an ordinance permitting children 15 and younger from riding without a helmet.
Seventeen and younger
It is against the law in both New Jersey and Massachusetts for a bicycle rider under the age of 17 to ride without a helmet. Additionally, Massachusetts prohibits any child under the age of one to ride a bicycle at all.
The following states require bicycle riders below the age of 18 to wear a helmet: Delaware, California and New Mexico.
Eleven and younger
Louisiana and Pennsylvania require bicycle riders below the age of 12 to wear a helmet.
New York has enacted a law that requires children between the ages of one and 13 to wear a helmet and children under the age of one are prohibited from riding a bike altogether.
Fourteen/fifteen and younger
In West Virginia it is against the law for anyone 14 years of age and younger to ride a bicycle without wearing a protective helmet.
The following states require bicycle riders below the age of 16 to wear a helmet: Alabama, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Maine, Maryland, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Oregon, Rhode Island and Tennessee. The District of Columbia also has an ordinance permitting children 15 and younger from riding without a helmet.
Seventeen and younger
It is against the law in both New Jersey and Massachusetts for a bicycle rider under the age of 17 to ride without a helmet. Additionally, Massachusetts prohibits any child under the age of one to ride a bicycle at all.
The following states require bicycle riders below the age of 18 to wear a helmet: Delaware, California and New Mexico.
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