We have 5 active children and they live in their bike helmets.... the rule in our house is "if it has wheels you had better be wearing a helmet". Bicycle helmets are required by Law here in NYS and it amazes me how many children come to my house without them. If they are at our home without a helmet they are not allowed on their bikes.
Is there a place I can contact for free bike helmets?? I would love nothing more than to make sure every kid in my town has one.... and wears it. Even though it is a law, it is not enforced, which kills me.
Thank you in advance for any information.
Contact some of your local bicycle clubs; I've seen some run fundraisers to donate helmets to kids.
But, sounds like these aren't "poor kids" but jsut that their parents don't enforce a helmet rule like you do. Why not just talk to Mom n Dad?
Or, you could go to any big discount store and find plenty of helmets under $20 each.
Contact some of your local bicycle clubs; I've seen some run fundraisers to donate helmets to kids.
But, sounds like these aren't "poor kids" but jsut that their parents don't enforce a helmet rule like you do. Why not just talk to Mom n Dad?
Or, you could go to any big discount store and find plenty of helmets under $20 each.
What is the difference between a bicycle helmet and a skateboarding or scooter helmet?
I have a 5 year old son. I need to get him a helmet for his bicycle, and scooter. I notice at the stores they have bicycle helmets and then they have a helmet for all other activieties. Why? Which is best?
a bicycle helmet covers mainly the top part of the head while a skateboarding helmet covers a larger area of the head including the sides. I would reccomend a skateboard helmet for a five year old. Make sure he's comfortable with the helmet(not too loose, not too tight)
a bicycle helmet covers mainly the top part of the head while a skateboarding helmet covers a larger area of the head including the sides. I would reccomend a skateboard helmet for a five year old. Make sure he's comfortable with the helmet(not too loose, not too tight)
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