Sabtu, 12 Oktober 2013

How do I teach my toddler to ride a tricycle?

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At what age do children generally learn to pedal? I have a 6 year old that never grasped the concept when he was younger, so now I really want to start early training the other two to ride a bike. My 2 year old has a tricycle and can reach the pedals, but has not been successful in making herself move. So she either wants to be pushed or uses her feet on the floor to get around.

let her use her feet to walk but keep showing her by putting her feet on the pedals and push bike. Get her around other kids riding trikes and she will figure it out. Highly recommend helmets on 2 year olds learning to ride.

Is it okay if a toddler falls asleep while strapped to a safety seat on a bicycle?


When riding, I usually glance back every few minutes, but sometimes my daughter starts nodding. I stop and we take a water break. She gets sleepy because of the cool breeze, the rhythmic feelings of the bicycle, and the incessant visual stimulation, but is it alright to keep peddling with her head down? She's strapped in, has a safety bar on her child seat on the bike, and we both have helmets.

I'm pretty sure that's when its time to call it a day and put her down for a nap..

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