best bike helmets for toddlers image
I just got a toddler carrier installed on my mountain bike but I can't find a helmet for kids as small as her.
The smallest ones they have at walmart are for three year olds.
Try this.
Try this.
What activities do you mandate your children wear helmets for?
Biking? Scootering? Rollerblading? Sledding? Skiing? Anything else?
Oh I don't make my kid to wear helmets for all of those things. I'm not wrapping him in bubble wrap either.
Horseback riding. Every time without second thought.
They both still have training wheels on their bikes and only ride in our driveway, but since they *like* to wear helmets they do. . .I admit I don't always make them. If we were riding by a road and without training wheels I'd likely be a bit more strict.
My kids haven't done the other stuff you listed yet. . .well they have little scooters, but they are like the toddler three wheeled ones.
Horseback riding. Every time without second thought.
They both still have training wheels on their bikes and only ride in our driveway, but since they *like* to wear helmets they do. . .I admit I don't always make them. If we were riding by a road and without training wheels I'd likely be a bit more strict.
My kids haven't done the other stuff you listed yet. . .well they have little scooters, but they are like the toddler three wheeled ones.
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Title Post: Where can I find a bike helmet to fit a 15 month old?
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