bicycle helmets big heads image
I bought a Giro helmet and it came with extra padding (4 extra small foam pads) that I could add if necessary, but should I? I'm trying to get into riding for fun now and I'm kind of lost when it comes to the equipment. If I do need it, where is the most important place to put the extra padding on the inside. The helmet I have is the Indicator if that info helps. Thanks y'all.
A good basic test whether a helmet fits correctly is if the helmet sits onto your head, not on top of your head like a little beanie. This helmet would be too small and you would either need a larger helmet or possibly replace thicker pads with thinner pads. The helmet is too big if your head is like a bell ringer inside a bell... lol. In this case you need a smaller helmet or thicker foam pads.
If you determine you need different pads, most likely you'll either replace current pads which sometimes are held in place with Velcro, or add the foam pads in convenient places inside the helmet, typically at the front by your forehead and the sides.
A good basic test whether a helmet fits correctly is if the helmet sits onto your head, not on top of your head like a little beanie. This helmet would be too small and you would either need a larger helmet or possibly replace thicker pads with thinner pads. The helmet is too big if your head is like a bell ringer inside a bell... lol. In this case you need a smaller helmet or thicker foam pads.
If you determine you need different pads, most likely you'll either replace current pads which sometimes are held in place with Velcro, or add the foam pads in convenient places inside the helmet, typically at the front by your forehead and the sides.
If you are strongly interested in science, will you please answer my questions about tornadoes?
Marie Tany
1. Do huge tornadoes, like the one in Oklahoma today, happen in Saskatchewan or Alberta (two provinces in Canada)?
2. If you knew a tornado was coming, do you have enough time to get into your car and drive away? I am moving into a trailer park out of town and there is nowhere to hide (due to not having a basement). Is it safe to get as far away from the town/area as possible?
3. Do yo believe that government can actually cause these storms to happen? Do you believe that the storms are this big because the government wants to lower their population? Please let me know your thoughts on those conspiracy theories.
Thank you so much for taking the time to answer these.
no the goverment isnt causing them. In certain parts of the country YES you can drive away because the roads are set up N S E W and STRAIGHT. You can drive SSTRAIGHT aaway from anything but in the most of the coungtry, the roads loop around and raods are NOT NSEW. (north south east or west). It depends where you live. Also, buy a bicycle helmet and keep near your designated storm shelter to protect your head. I actually also have ropes to tie my kids to my body and tie us to the faucet (which is cemeted into the ground) incase we have a tornado here.
no the goverment isnt causing them. In certain parts of the country YES you can drive away because the roads are set up N S E W and STRAIGHT. You can drive SSTRAIGHT aaway from anything but in the most of the coungtry, the roads loop around and raods are NOT NSEW. (north south east or west). It depends where you live. Also, buy a bicycle helmet and keep near your designated storm shelter to protect your head. I actually also have ropes to tie my kids to my body and tie us to the faucet (which is cemeted into the ground) incase we have a tornado here.
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