best bike helmet for 18 month old image
Me and my husband have a month old baby and wanted to go on a bike ride together and were just curious if it would be even legal to have a baby with you in one of those baby bjorn front harness things. Obviously we would just buy a child carrier seat but you cant use those until they are 1 year. If it is illegal does anyone know a seat or anything like that so we can take her on a bikeride with us? Also for the record it is just like an old school cruiser bike not a mountain bike or anything.
Legal...? Yes or No, depending on where you live (i.e. LOCAL jurisdiction and state laws). For example, in California, children less than six years or under 60 pounds MUST be in an DOT-approved restraining seat and secured. If less than 18 years old, they must also be wearing a safety helmet, even on a bicycle. Not just any old helmet, either. It must be fastened and securely fitted, and meet The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) or the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) standards.
Is it Wise...? Safe...? Nope! You are at far greater risk on a bicycle, because traffic doesn't see or acknowledge you like they would a car. There are also pot holes on the roads that can cause head and neck problems to very young children.
Legal...? Yes or No, depending on where you live (i.e. LOCAL jurisdiction and state laws). For example, in California, children less than six years or under 60 pounds MUST be in an DOT-approved restraining seat and secured. If less than 18 years old, they must also be wearing a safety helmet, even on a bicycle. Not just any old helmet, either. It must be fastened and securely fitted, and meet The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) or the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) standards.
Is it Wise...? Safe...? Nope! You are at far greater risk on a bicycle, because traffic doesn't see or acknowledge you like they would a car. There are also pot holes on the roads that can cause head and neck problems to very young children.
What do i need to know about sports motorcycles before i buy one?
I am buying a sports motorcycle for next summer what do i need to know beofore i buy one?
What are good brands?
Where can i get good deals on used bikes?
What websites will help me learn more about bikes?
I am buying a sports motorcycle for next summer what do i need to know
beofore i buy one?
What are good brands?
Where can i get good deals on used
What websites will help me learn more about bikes?
Its great that you're doing research now.
Take a motorcycle safety foundation class if you haven't already. Get the proper safety equipment, gloves, boots and helmet to start with.
Be aware that most motorcycle accidents come in the first 6 months of riding a motorcycle. And be aware that if you or someone near you, makes a mistake, it can end up serious (and yes, I've been to a funeral for a 18 year old beginning rider).
If you're looking for a used bike, then you might visit the local library and see if they carry old editions of some of the cycle magazines.
Good websites to look at bike that are currently for sale are cycletrader and
Its great that you're doing research now.
Take a motorcycle safety foundation class if you haven't already. Get the proper safety equipment, gloves, boots and helmet to start with.
Be aware that most motorcycle accidents come in the first 6 months of riding a motorcycle. And be aware that if you or someone near you, makes a mistake, it can end up serious (and yes, I've been to a funeral for a 18 year old beginning rider).
If you're looking for a used bike, then you might visit the local library and see if they carry old editions of some of the cycle magazines.
Good websites to look at bike that are currently for sale are cycletrader and
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